Name: Daevyn
Maturity: Adult
Species: Regular (Raptor)
Occupation: Former Gladiator
Consult Teepee - Use "Ctrl+F" to help you!
Plot Requests:
1. Rivals
He's naturally competitive, I want him to have rivals to race with and to spar with so that he can settle comfortably into the Kawani. They can be of any gender, he has no real grasp on the difference between males and females and as a consequence, treats them the same. Please be aware he is from a Gladiatorial herd and as a consequence is exceptionally strong in comparison to a number of soquili and tends to forget this so minor to moderate injuries can and will happen.
2. A Family Unit
He doesn't need to join a family (he wouldn't want to) but I want him to experience one. Given his past, he has no grasp of what a proper family unit is and as a consequence I would like to introduce him to one. They don't have to stay for long, they don't even have to receive him hospitably either, but I do want him to see a family and how they interact with one another. Please note I'd prefer a loving family for this one rather than a Kalona based family.
3. Unsuspecting Hero
He's not a hero and probably never will be, or at least no knowingly. I'd like him to intervene in some sort of dangerous situation. He wouldn't do this with the intention of saving anyone but if they invaded his territory then he would respond in a vicious manner. I'd really like it if he had the opportunity to assault another soquili, chase off the villain and then stomp back to his favoured spot. He'd most likely chase off the victim as well (just in a different direction) but this could open up opportunities for the victim to approach him again on a better and more calm level.
4. Crush
He doesn't know what love is, much the same as he doesn't know what a proper family unit is and so on. Ideally I'd like for a filly (or even stallion) to develop a crush on him. This won't be received well and he'd end up incredibly confused but it would be a nice introduction to emotions and relationships that he's never encountered before. Think of him as a small child in that respect. In warfare he performs admirably but when it comes to everything else he knows very little.
5. A Lesson in Manners
Ever seen Pgymalion? Well replace the flowergirl with a chimney sweep and even the noble gentlemen with gentlewomen. You reckon you could turn this reckless creature into something well mannered? It may not stick, but it is a challenge!