Total Value: 6,034,154 Gold, 183,400 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
King of Fruits
Reve Rouille
Lyndexer's Journal
Captain Ara's Nestegg
Gold Promise Ring
Lovely Genie Gold Arm Bangle
Lovely Genie Gold Arm Bangle
Audrey's Brown Long Gloves
Spartan Chest Guard
Lord Wilhelm
Woolen Tavern Wench's Bustier
Berry Tavern Wench's Cincher
Ritzy Black Pearl Necklace
Tropical Sarong
Warm Female Goth Starter Skirt
Picolitrosso's Urn 7th Gen.
Dappy Dandy
Red Band Style Eye Patch
Blush Clown Makeup (high)
Sundae Sweets
SDPlus #20 Jinx
La Jolie Dormeuse
Red And Black Striped Stockings
Made by Mashumari ,3