The day I got epic-ly OWNED.

Looks like The White Queen got hair extensions. HEHE (someone with the Girl's Hime Brown [Lite] is standing behind the White Queen NPC. Doesn't it match so perfectly?)

FAIL on an april fool's day joke. You were suppose to get an item out of this... or maybe I'm wrong maybe this was a part of the plan... maybe you were suppose to think you'll get nothing at first.

Chain mail...I'll never get why people still fall for them.

I laugh every time I see this. lol

Let me explain this one. This is actually not a hack or a scam pop up that you may have recognized. Yes most of us already know these and have probably seen one before but I promise you that it is not. (I even checked the forums) Its actually a really bad mistake from a dev! This log in is for devs to use for testing new features on the site. It is not for users like you and me to see. Its only available for devs and of the such. It was just a very faulty coding. xd