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Journal of Alice
Just the words of a sweet girl
About my avi
Me and my friend do RPs of The Mighty Boosh, and out of a struck of sheer genius, I created Alice. She's very interesting, she's 25, she works in a little clothing boutique that is owned by a very weird guy named Kelly Orlando, she's Lester Corncrake's niece, her grandma was Alice White (a semi-famous flapper and actress), and she is Howard's girlfriend. My inspiration for her was Dusty Springfield, especially since I was thinking her first date would be like in the lyrics of her song "Son of a Preacher Man."

Now Kelly is actually the new identity of the famous Bob Fossil because the Zooniverse shut down and he desperately begged for Dixon Bainbridge to be with him since he was hopelessly distressed, but we all know Bainbridge could never love him back. Well whatever happened, possibly he beat him up and yelled at him like he usually does, causing Fossil to spiral into a traumatic state of depression and insanity. He decided put away his lifelong dreams of living with Bainbridge and making pocket cups and changed his whole image, getting a colorful haircut and wearing mismatching designer clothes(but he still wears the wrong size). So he sort of resembles Perez Hilton XD But don't feel bad for him even though what became of him is terribly sad. He treats Alice much like how he used to treat Howard, except it's harder on her since she's just a sweet sensitive girl and she sometimes cries when he pushes her and calls her just about every nasty name created.

She originated when me and my friend had a fabulous idea of the guys: Vince, Howard, and Naboo getting turned into girls. Instead of stewing over how they got like that and all of them spending the day aggravated, they decided to go out. They go to of course the shop Alice works at. Howard wanted to talk to her but he's feeling all awkward and nervous as usual, but Vince says she won't run away like the other girls he's tried to impress because she'll feel comfortable with him since he's in a woman's body, so Howard could get to know her on a personal level. When he gets his courage to talk to her, he finds her crying because Kelly was being mean to her and she's very afraid she'll get fired. He gets with Vince and Naboo to b***h out Kelly (it was perfect since Kelly didn't recognize them and they could belt out all their feelings of hate towards him).

After that, Alice is ecstatic that her working conditions will be better. She immediately befriends the female Howard, and they start chatting about all kinds of stuff. The guys or shall I say girls are flabbergasted when she says her beloved uncle is that blind weirdo Lester Corncrake. Vince and Naboo have a ball, making fun of her. That's why I called her RazzDoll, in jazz slang razz means to make fun of and doll of course means like a pretty girl.

Female Howard gets Alice to meet his real self. He of course doesn't reveal the truth to her for fear it'll freak her out. (But honestly? Could anything be scary to her? She's got Lester as an uncle and her boss is Fossil dressed like mash up of Elanor and Andy Warhol! Well the only thing that scared her was finding out what happened to her uncle XD) Anyways, when he changes back to himself, he meets her at a jazz club, dressed like how he was for Kraftwork Orange. Alice melts since it reminds her of Gary Cooper and Gene Kelly put together. The whole thing was like a dream to the both of them. They talk, laugh, dance, and even kiss. Later in the night, it's an unforgettable experience for the both of them filled with passion and bliss. It was like a scene straight from a Harlequin Romance novel. After that, they became infatuated with each other.

She's so perfect for him that it's almost too good to be true. Haha on that note, I've had thoughts to have that she's either Old Gregg in disguise or that Elanor got really good surgery to get with Howard, but then again Howard deserves to be happy, he's gone through enough torture! lol Alice is just a pretty girl that happens to like everything he likes and why not? It's like that saying, there's always someone for everyone! <3

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Scuba Jesus
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Feb 25, 2010 @ 05:47am
I honestly lol'd at the Old Gregg and Eleanor bit... that would be... interesting

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