yay ok! hmm ok i am going 2 show you pics of 4 great animes i seen last Friday!!
1st off Azumanga Daioh hee it funny! i been told i act like the one at the end on the right blaugh

DN Angel now many ppls seen this show! but for who has not like me >.> cuz i only seen like 3 or 4 of it you should see it!!

next up Princess Tutu lol well i like the show but many ppl might find it kind of dumb but really its a good story the Tutu is a duck this man really wired man gave her a jewel that makes her turn into a girl(her girl name is duck) and then she can turn into princess Tutu and shes trying 2 put back together this young mans heart hes her prince >.> even tho i think shes falling in love with the knight an evil lady wants the prince 2 herself and as long as the prince has no feelings she can make him do anything

and now the last one Puchi Puri Yucie well Yucie is a girl that is suck in a 10 year olds body she dreams of being bigger she goes 2 a school of princess and mets her new 4 friends all 5 of them are suck in there 10 year old bodys go threw many many things just 2 it 2 come down 2 the 5 of them one of them will be the platmum princess (sorry if spelled wrong) the one that is crowned will get a wish and they all have a wish that they want xD you know what Yucie's wish is xD
i will not say what will happen when the one is crowned Yucie is in love with the prince but the prince is full grown and every time she thinks hes gonna kiss her he kisses her on the forehead funny
all 5 girls are diff in there own ways its a great show you should see it
 the prince has the odd hat on and Yucie is the blackish blue hair the Black girl with the pinkish hair shes Hells Princess the angel looking one is Heavens Princess the white haired Girl is the Spirit worlds(ghost pretty much) Princess and the pink haired one is the Fairy worlds Princess the Black boy with the brown hair is Yucies and her Dads servant the dad is the old man xD and the Queen is well the older lady then lastly is the Hell princesses Main servant

tee hee
Millie990 · Mon Feb 06, 2006 @ 09:47pm · 1 Comments |