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      because i'm pretty sure i've told you about this convo .. by the time you read it. Bold is when we each first get IC. c:

      sigasigaftw 10:47 pm
      YES. A Cat!Giraffe.
      Greece would have, like, a multitude of cat!hybrids in his house.
      Like, cat!hippos and cat!flamingos and cat!falcons and cat!whales
      all that. = w =
      Nihonxdesu 10:48 pm
      sigasigaftw 10:48 pm
      but only if he got off his a** long enough to learn some genetic things ..
      Nihonxdesu 10:48 pm
      Which, would only happen once in a blue moon
      Which reminds me...
      sigasigaftw 10:49 pm
      ( /nodnodnod ) ahhh, si? ;D
      Nihonxdesu 10:50 pm
      There is a Blue Moon this year!
      sigasigaftw 10:50 pm
      Nihonxdesu 10:51 pm
      On New Years
      sigasigaftw 10:51 pm
      that's epic. = w =
      Nihonxdesu 10:51 pm
      It is ~
      sigasigaftw 10:51 pm
      You should remind me around then
      'cause I'll forget. = w = ;
      Nihonxdesu 10:51 pm
      Si, si
      sigasigaftw 10:52 pm
      is it actually blue?! 8D
      Nihonxdesu 10:52 pm
      XDD -pats Enzo- Unfortunately not
      sigasigaftw 10:53 pm
      D; does that mean that easter eggs aren't laid by colored chickens, then?!
      Nihonxdesu 10:53 pm
      ... Uhum
      Of course easter eggs are laid by colored chickens! 8'D
      sigasigaftw 10:55 pm
      ( /claps happily ) 8D ~~ I love easter!!
      Does that mean that there are brown cows too?
      Nihonxdesu 10:55 pm
      Si, si
      sigasigaftw 10:55 pm
      and that churros grow on trees?!
      Nihonxdesu 10:55 pm
      There are brown cows
      Uh ... Enzo. = w =;;
      Papa makes churros. They don't grow on trees...

      sigasigaftw 10:56 pm
      .. okay, no, whatever. They have to grow from something. = x = ;
      just like how babies come from eggs .. 8D
      Nihonxdesu 10:56 pm
      ... -deadpans-
      Nihonxdesu 10:57 pm
      They're made from dough, Enzo.
      Unless you count the wheat that is needed to make the dough...
      sigasigaftw 10:57 pm
      Nihonxdesu 10:57 pm
      sigasigaftw 10:58 pm
      OH. OKAY. 8D ~~~ dough trees?
      umm, elephants?
      where do elephant babies come from? ( /cuddles up for story time )
      Nihonxdesu 10:59 pm
      XDD Okay, si si. Dough trees...
      Nihonxdesu 11:00 pm
      Oh! Elephant babies come from their mama's tummy just like human babies do!
      But like, they take FOREVER to come out. They don't wanna leave their mama's tummy ~
      'Cause I guess they're really comfortable in there and warm.
      sigasigaftw 11:01 pm
      ooooooh. But human babies take forever to come out too, right? that's what mama says ~
      so, are you comfortable in MY tummy? 8D
      Nihonxdesu 11:02 pm
      Si, si. But, Elephant babies stay in there longer. -nodnod-
      Si! -nodnod-
      sigasigaftw 11:03 pm
      oh. ( /blinkblink& wink
      I want a baby lamb ~~~
      yay! I tried to make it all nice and stuff. ( /nodnodnod )
      do you think after I birth you and all, that I can have a baby lamb?
      Nihonxdesu 11:04 pm
      Then you should ask Mama's sheep for one! 8D
      Si, but you need to feed me more. I'm hungry ~
      Like what Papa did for Mama? Si, si!
      sigasigaftw 11:05 pm
      Oh! Si! Millicent is probably ready for another lamb, right? Or maybe even Immaculamb! I'll go ask Emilio! ( /bounces )
      Oh! You're hungry? .. umm .. i'll go find something for you to eat! How do you like your eggs ~ ? ;D And I can make chocolate milk. Moses showed me how. :3
      YES! I'm gonna so ask papa to get me a baby lamb ~ > w <
      Nihonxdesu 11:06 pm
      :3 I bet Millicent would be happy to have another lamb ~

      Uh ... Sunny-side-up, por favor ~ !
      But ... Chocolate milk isn't hard to make... o__O
      sigasigaftw 11:08 pm
      yay! Like mama ~ ? Except he doesn't have baby lambs, just baby nations. :3
      okay! I can do that! > w <
      umm, yeah it is. ( /rolls eyes ) It took me a lot of tries.
      but do you want some?
      Nihonxdesu 11:09 pm
      Ahh, did you notice Mama's tummy? It's getting bigger! :3
      Grazie, Enzo ~
      Si! That would be nice, too!
      Now I won't kick you while you sleep. ;D
      -totally just playing along for the hell of it-
      sigasigaftw 11:11 pm
      Sii ~ he must be getting fat. > o > ;
      Of course! I love my baby, of course. ( /tightly hugs him ) <333 ~
      then, I'll do my best!
      YEAH. That's totally not cool. ;____;
      Nihonxdesu 11:13 pm
      ... Uh, Enzo... = x =;;
      Mama's pregnant
      sigasigaftw 11:13 pm
      WAIT, WHAT
      Nihonxdesu 11:13 pm
      <333 -bro hug-
      ... WHERE WERE YOU?!
      Nihonxdesu 11:14 pm
      sigasigaftw 11:15 pm
      OMGOMGOMG. ( /fans self with hands like a beauty queen or something )
      CAN I NAME IT?!
      WHAAAAAAAT?! ( /starts shouting in Minorquin )
      Nihonxdesu 11:16 pm
      We don't know what it is! Mama thinks it'll be a girl, though
      [Lol... XD;; Decided to mention little Chicky ~]
      sigasigaftw 11:17 pm
      OMG. Does that mean that mamas have intuition about their babies ~ ?
      cause if they do then you'll be a girl, too! n w n
      sigasigaftw 11:18 pm
      [ bwahaha. ;D ~ this is so lame of Enzo .. especially since she and the twins grow up pretty close. = x = ;; ]
      Nihonxdesu 11:19 pm
      Ahh, I think so. -headtilt- You'll have to ask Mama.
      o___O But...
      Awww ~ ]
      sigasigaftw 11:20 pm
      I totally will. ;D
      yes! but, you're like, totally flat right now. Fail, Nico. :/
      Nihonxdesu 11:21 pm
      BUT. I HAVE A p***s.
      And I'm flat, because I'm a guy. DD8
      sigasigaftw 11:22 pm
      LOL, NICO. TMI.
      that's what you think. = w = ;; ( /about ready to play gropey hands )
      sigasigaftw 11:23 pm
      Nihonxdesu 11:24 pm
      BUT IT'S TRUE. :/
      -flail- Noooo
      Don't be like Korea and Yasu's mama! DD8
      ... That would be weird...
      sigasigaftw 11:26 pm
      FFFF, whatever, germà. = w =
      LOL, you're so dumb, Nico. ~ i'm totally not Asian.
      you know what would be weirder? .. if you started going out with Satu ..
      ( /just thinks of the DUMBEST things, orz; )
      Nihonxdesu 11:28 pm
      -screamed it; is now being stared at by his mother-
      Eheh ... XD;;;
      Satu is awesome, but I love Yasu ~
      Hmmmm ~ <333
      sigasigaftw 11:30 pm
      BUT YOU DO SO HAVE BREASTS!!! ( /gropey hands )
      [ this is so weird. XDD ; ]
      Nihonxdesu 11:31 pm
      -tries to bat them away-
      [XDD But awesome...]
      sigasigaftw 11:31 pm
      But Satu's totally awesome ~~
      yeah! seriously! but, whatever. I guess you wanna be a mass - oh - kiss and date someone who doesn't even like you baaaack. > > ;; ( /doesn't understand the art of not-openly-showing-one's-feelings )
      ( /being stared at by both Romano and Moses now )
      Nihonxdesu 11:34 pm
      Si, she is, but she's meant more for you! :3
      ... DDDD8 B-But ... -totally might have a mental breakdown now-
      Yasu likes me back! She kisses me all the time!
      sigasigaftw 11:36 pm
      meant for me? whaddaya mean by that ~ ? o w o
      ( /will unknowingly foster it )
      ummm .. bro .. that just makes her, like, a ho. Or something.
      Lots of girls will kiss you without actually liking you at all ~ @ w @
      Nihonxdesu 11:38 pm
      You too look really cute together ~ :3
      DDD8 N-no! She shows her love through her actions!
      Y-Yasu's not a ho!
      NO. THEY DON'T
      sigasigaftw 11:40 pm
      but lots of people look cute together! Like, Emilio and Amaranta! But they're not 'meant for each other'. = w = ( /hand flippy thing )
      Even though we ARE getting married soon! Isn't that great ~ ? you'll have a papa and everything. <333
      Lots of girls do that without the love, fra - tell - o. = u =
      THAT'S RIGHT. D:< defend her honor like a good little misled Catalan boy ~
      YES, THEY DO. ( /moar grabby hands )
      Nihonxdesu 11:45 pm
      Ahh, true ~
      But she's still meant for you! :3
      ... When did this happen? o___O
      o__________________________o B-but ... that can't be true....
      -seriously gonna cry now-
      I-I can't have worked that long for nothing... D8
      M-Mama! -runs to his mama-
      NO. GTFO.
      sigasigaftw 11:50 pm
      okay! 8D ;;;;
      yesterday. > w < her papa seemed really happy about it, too ~
      ( /nodnodnod ) ~ well, there's the chance that it isn't but whatever. ;;;
      the heart wants, what it wants! she just doesn't want you. 8D
      MAMA! ( /runs to him too )
      NO. ( /hugs instead ) ily baby brother ~ even if you won't let me touch your breasts. e n e
      Nihonxdesu 11:56 pm
      What?! He was happy about it? o___O
      Y-Yasu ....!
      O-omg, I have to call her. o_______o -starts dialing her number, not caring about the time difference-

      M-Mama, Enzo said Yasu didn't love me! DDDDD8
      -hugs- Awww ~
      sigasigaftw 12:04 am
      yeah ~ ! he was, like, glaring and cracking his knuckles and stuff. Satu said he was happy so i'll take her word for it! > w <
      d - don't cry, Nico! This is all just, theee - oh - ret - uh - kal! ( /frantic nodding )
      O - okay ~ ! Put it on speaker, si?
      .. .. .. .. muhhh? .. ( /dead tired, orz ;; )

      You chose now of all times to start taking him seriously? >____> ;;;
      ( /sighs and opens his arms for a hug anyway )
      Nihonxdesu 12:07 am
      Uh .... okay... o____O
      .... R-Really? S-so it's not true ... -sniffle-
      Okay! -nods; still sniffling-
      Y-Yasu... ! E-Enzo said that you didn't really love me!
      I-Is that true?! Por favor ... tell me it isn't true! D8

      -hugs; sniffling into his chest-
      sigasigaftw 12:14 am
      SI ~ ! I'm so excited for our wedding. > w <
      Well, it might be ~ ! 8D but, wasn't it you who decided to persue her anyway?
      Even though she rejected you? Again and again and again and again? ..
      nyaaahhh .. Satu .. I dun wan' talk 'bout Enzo .. call me back when iss not four AM. >___> ;;
      ( /hangs up and tosses her phone across the room )

      Ahhh .. ;;;; .. non piangere, bambino mio .. ( /starts humming one of the old lullabies )
      Nihonxdesu 12:24 am
      Si .... ; w ;
      B-But she hasn't been rejecting me so that must mean she loves me ... !
      ... -blink-
      Ah ... I forgot about the time difference. = x =;;;
      I'll just leave a message. -nodnod-

      -sniffles; cuddles into him- G-Grazie, Mama...
      sigasigaftw 12:31 am
      or, maybe she's just tired of rejecting you and b -- ( /immediatly smacks self )
      YES, SHE LOVES YOU. 8D ;;;;; lots. ;D
      Huh .. why would Satu wanna talk about me ~ ? o w O ?? ;;

      next time Enzo tries to convince you of something, just smack him upside the head, okay? >_____> ;;; don't listen to him.
      Nihonxdesu 12:35 am
      8DD REALLY?! Omgomg ~ <333
      -goes into happy mode- Ahhhhhhh ~ = w =
      Um ... 'Cause you're ... sexy? And she loves you. :3

      Okay, Mama. = w =
      Hmnmm, you're warm! 8D
      Nihonxdesu is available 12:38 am
      -sigh- 25d and 8h ago Comment
      Nihonxdesu 12:38 am
      [Uh, that was strange...]
      [AIM just totally crashed for a moment there. o___O]
      Nihonxdesu is available 12:40 am
      -sigh- 25d and 8h ago Comment
      sigasigaftw 12:43 am
      ( /nodnodnod; just relieved that he's not freaking out anymore )
      YES! I'm seriously, like, way sexy. Even sexier than Ezi, even! > w <
      Loves me? ( /blinkblink )

      ( /sighs slowly ) of course, of course. ;;;
      [ that is pretty weird. o o ;;
      there are times when it doesn't let me send the message but it's never randomly crashed. o w o ; ]
      Nihonxdesu 12:46 am
      Hmmm ~ I love her, too!
      Ne, she's so pretty and sweet! = 3 =
      Like the first tomatoes of the season! Or a strawberry Chupa Chup. :3
      Si, si. ;D
      -slow nod- Do you love her, Enzo?

      > w < -huggle-
      [-nodnod- o___O]
      sigasigaftw 12:55 am
      oh, really? = w = ;;;;;;;
      Oooh ~ so, you like her more than a bag of Chupa Chups? ..
      Love her? I dunno. What's love like?

      ( /cracks a little smile and mutters something in Latin under his breath )
      Nihonxdesu 1:00 am
      Si, si ~ <33
      -nodnodnod- Si! I love her far more than a bag of Chupa Chups! Even my guitar!
      Love is ... well it's indescribable, really...
      But, does your heart beat fast when you're around her? Do you feel like you're light as a feather, or that your knees will turn to jelly at her smile?
      Do you like making her laugh, just so you can hear her voice? :3

      Que? -headtilt; smile-
      sigasigaftw 1:05 am
      O O e - even more than your guitar? .. ( /mind is blown )
      OH! Well, I think I could be with her forever and never ever get bored, or run out of things to day, and i
      m happy that she
      [ omg, sorry, enter button spaz, much? = w = ;;; ]
      's your papa! :3 And I want to make her smile, si ~ her laugh is so pretty. * w *
      Aaand, I always have this grin when I'm around her! I bet I look real dumb, though .. ;;

      ehhh, nothing, nothing. ( /waves it off )
      Nihonxdesu 1:12 am
      = 3 = Siii ~ Even more than my guitar.
      I admit that I am hopelessly in love with her, Enzo....
      -smile- You're in love with her, Enzo.
      That's what love is. :3

      Ah, okay ~ -just continues hugging; 'cause he loves his mama-
      sigasigaftw 1:18 am
      that's, like. A lot! D8
      ( /smiles and suddenly hugs him ) ~ then she's really lucky! > w <
      .. WHAT?!
      Nihonxdesu 1:21 am
      Haha, si. It is a lot. :3
      -laughs and hugs back- I'm really lucky, too!
      Si, you must tell her Enzo. -nodnod-
      But, tell her when you know that you're absolutely ready.
      ... And in a way she'll understand. XD;;;
      [Aww ~ Enzo's so cute upon realizing he's in love with Satu.]
      sigasigaftw 1:23 am
      like .. more than all of the things we can see, right? :3 ( /was just infinitely deep, omg )
      it's bigger than the world .. ( /thoughftul expression )
      si, si, that's how I feel! > w <
      Because we might all die tomorrow and if I do without telling her then that'll SUCK! I have to talk to her real soon! > /// w /// < ;;;
      I can do that! 8D ;; but, what do you do once you tell her? ..
      [ yesh ~ omg. it's going to be twice as cute when they talk, too ~ > w < ]
      [ also adorable? this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuCSwTW9Xpo&feature=related ]
      Nihonxdesu 1:30 am
      -nod- That's right. It's so big that it's hard for even us to understand it!
      Haha, then tell her as soon as you see her!
      I'm sure she loves you back, just as much! :3
      Just do whatever comes naturally to you, Enzo. -nod-
      Kiss her even ~
      [Omg, yes ~
      This is so cute!]
      sigasigaftw 1:32 am
      Do you think mama and papa do, then ~ ? o w o
      hmmm .. ( /thoughtful look ) if you and Yasu ever get married, i'm gonna get you guys a jar of peanut butter. :3
      I hope she does! Otherwise it'll be pretty weird! > // w // < ;;
      Kiss? Oooh ~ or maybe I could buy her ice cream and we can watch the sunset over the sunset and eat it and then we can go pet a dog!
      That's what people in love do, right? ..

      [ I think imma have to post this for Finn, though. = w = ;; ( /doesn't want to go back and copy )
      fuuu! there are too many cute videos out there .. > w < ]
      sigasigaftw 1:35 am
      [ oh my god, that last sentence makes no sense at all .. it's supposed to be, 'or maybe I could buy her ice cream and we can watch the sunset over the ocean and eat and then we can go pet a dog!' orz ;; ]
      Nihonxdesu 1:36 am
      Hmmm, maybe? I think Papa would know more about it. He's the country of Passion, after all ~ ;D
      Haha, that would be great, Enzo! I hope we do get married some day... = w =
      I'm certain she does! Just go for it ~
      Si! People do that, too! They like to spend time with each other ~
      [Haha, she would probably want to see this. XD;
      I love how the younger brother just taught the older brother about love... x__x;;]
      sigasigaftw 1:40 am
      oooh! And we're like little Passion-lets! We should know, too! > w <
      every couple needs a jar of peanut butter .. and maybe some other fun stuff .. huh. ( /taps chin in thought ) ahhh, what're you gonna do out there, in the big bad future? 8D
      Okay! I WILL! > w < !!!! I'll make papa proud of me for once. ~ c:
      Got it! And, everyone likes dogs, so that's a big plus. :3
      I really hope she likes me back .. .. .. hey, is it normal for your heart to be hiccupping? > w < ;;;
      [ yesh ~ |D ;
      LOL. The older brother would teach the younger brother, if he actually knew anything ~
      But that's what makes them epic, seriously. XDD ]
      Nihonxdesu 1:45 am
      Si, si! But we're still young and we have lots to learn about the world!
      We will learn eventually. :3
      Mmm ~ Peanut butter is yummy.
      Hmmm.... I don't know. Maybe I'll travel or work on my music... Y tu?
      Haha, Papa is already very proud of you Enzo! Hasn't he told you that?
      Ah, si. -nod- When you're in love, it does that.
      When I was younger, my heart did that every time I saw Yasu's face. It does that even now...
      [XDD It is totally epic ~]
      sigasigaftw 1:48 am
      oohhhh .. si, si! But we have lots of time and youth to do that. :3
      we will! I'm excited for the journey, though ..
      It's good on bread. = w = Maybe I could get you some of that, too!
      ( /nodnodnod ) I wanna have a pony farm! 8D
      He's lying. cx ( /can be horridly insecure, oi& wink
      okay, good! 'cause I don't want to have a heart attack, or anything. d:
      How young? .. .. > w < you're so cute, fratello ~ ( /hughug )
      Nihonxdesu 1:53 am
      -nodnod- Si, si ~
      That's good! One should always look forward to the future. :3
      Haha, yes! Get us some bread to eat it with!
      A pony farm? Like Poland? -headtilt-
      ... -scowl- He can't be lying! Papa never lies to his children!
      XD If you were having a heart attack, it would feel painful. -nod-
      Um ... around the sixties I think? Around the first time I saw her, anyway.
      sigasigaftw 1:56 am
      But the present is great too .. > w < ~ ;;
      And bananas and honey ~ c: so, you can have, like. A feast, on your wedding night. ( /nodnodnod )
      YES! Or maybe i'll be a commercial narrator or a surfer or male model! <3
      haaaaa ha ha ha! That's that you think. > w <
      'cause I haven't really done much for him to be proud of, yet.
      Oh. Okay! :3
      So it was like, love at first sight? .. haha.
      that woulda sucked if she turned out to be a big b***h yet you were still smitten .. |D
      .. .. .. ( /gropey hands )
      Nihonxdesu 2:01 am
      Ahh, yes. -nod- The present is very good ~
      ... -snickers a little- That sounds fantastic, Enzo! :3
      I can see you becoming a surfer ~
      You're really good at surfing!
      That doesn't matter, Enzo!
      He's got to be proud of the way you've grown up! And how good you are at surfing and whatnot!
      Si ~ It was love at first sight.
      Oh, she was so cute then! > w <
      Haha, it would have ... but she's like her mama. -nodnod-
      o____o ENZO.
      sigasigaftw 2:06 am
      ( /nodnodnod )
      :3 ~ doesn't it? ahhhh .. I want a sandwich now ..
      I am! > w < ;;;; But I dun know how to make a career of it ..
      maybe i'll just stay home while everyone has a thrilling life, and babysit.
      ( /shrugs )
      ahhh .. too cute .. you're adorable, fratello! <333
      But you were too. ~
      ahh! True! But her mama is sorta weird .. > w < ;;; In a good way.
      I want food. I'll go make you eggs now, 'kay Fetus Mine? c:
      [ lol. I need to sleep .. XD ;;;; ]

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Pure Finn
    Community Member

    Tue Dec 15, 2009 @ 03:37am

    You two make magic things! I love you boooth!
    Thank you for posting it~!

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