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View User's Journal

Thank you, you guys are amazing. <3

amythist_rae- purple abominable scarf
zahav - 5k
paranoia phantom - 50k [donated even though she was questing as well, i love you heart ]♥
][ F!sh.gif ][ - 20k ♥
BuckyKattLove - snow crystal drop
pericardium05 - red and maroon reversible bracelets & roco rochel costume ring <3
rio_kid - 20k -luflufluf- ♥
yoshiko_0x - 40k -lufluf- ♥ I LOVE YOU! xD
disappearing - 3k (:
infamous larlar - 10k ♥
Arrowlake Riddler - 50k ♥♥♥♥♥ heart
MissKayasha - 5k
sin fang - 200g
aizou senritsu - 10k ♥
dapper apple - smoky and milk quartz headband, cravate demonique, brown gloves, audrey's black strap heals heart ♥♥


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  • [10/23/09 01:47pm]
  • [10/23/09 01:03pm]