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So, I just started a new school year, yayyy, It's my last year at that ******** school, and it's really shitty. Anyway. I thought This year was gonna be DA BOMB! Which is partly true. In science and Math I sit next to an a**. Not only is he an a**, But hes the stupid, more immature person I have ever met, next to Austin because he will ALWAYS be #1. Anyway, I'll rant about Austin later. Anyway, I guess I'm getting good grade's minus that C I have in Math...o.o My mom wasn't happy about that, or the number of work paper's i missed either...she got REALLY Mad xD. Let's see. Oh Im ILA I sit Near Mikaela, Sherly(sp?) and Amanda, I sit in the corner because Im the special one. Me and Mikaela Pass note's and the teacher doesn't know it. Then, Me and Sherly and Amanda pass note's, and she STILL doesn't know it, even though she sometimes see's it...o.o...stupid stupid stupid. Anyway, A couple of week's ago me and My friend were rolplaying ( playing anime character's) and We let out other friend join, soon, My friend (the original) was roleplaying with HER and My other friend and left me out. I got so pissed (they were passing it diagonal, which mean's I saw it out of the corner of my eye and it pissed me off because I need a better grade in ILA...I have a B+ :'D) And so I got so mad, While the teacher was watching, I slammed it on the ground and my friend started Laughing, Thinking I wasn't for real and I just did it as a joke. She saw my face, (which was serious WHY SO SRS O.O) Then I got pisses and we got into a fight that same day, Which lasted a day.I said I was sorry But i really wasn't. Im still Pissed because all she see's is Sherly, EVEN though I've been her best friend since like...first Grade. Im so mad. Because know instead of doing OUR Roleplay Like we used to , its her and sherly, and sherly just got into it so she dropped it. I asked her nicely EVERY DAMN DAY to Stop the roleplaying, but she never did. She would always say "Oh but it's so addicting, and I really can;t stop" I wanted to through her in a river. So me and sherly and er started a roleplay between the three of us, which is going good, still pissed though, and I have to ask them to start it, even though they start there right away when they get there and it pisses me off...Im so pissed about it...Im so pissed at that b***h it's not even funny...Today I didn't wanna look at her nor talk to her. I wrote her a note explaining why i wanna do our project, and she's like" Dont start with that sherly and me stuff again!" and I was SO pissed. I mean Really, she's the one keeping us from doing the project. Im not gonna fail because she's to stupid and "BUSY" Texting sherly about all the pointless s**t about "Ryan" and crap. Im not gonna fail this project because she choose not to get online and help me out. I understand that she can't get on when her mom's home, But really, Texting Shirley is more important them doing a ******** project?...God this makes me pissed. I was quiet the whole day today. Shirley asked me if i was alright because i wasn't being myself which is either hyper or mad and telling them (but there's no point since I have to repeat myself because they don't listen because there to "busy" wink and I had to lie to her because i was pissed with Amanda which involved her...then she told me a secret...I lied and she told me a secret...thats WAYYYY wrong...but whatever Im pissed...>.> I wanna IM her and tell her how I feel...Just to get it the ******** off my chest...But at the same time im afraid of what's gonna happen...Im a p***y...T.T

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Sun Jan 10, 2010 @ 04:17am

Gee thanks for calling me a b***h. I know this was a while ago but it still kinda hurts how you RANTED about. I'm really not that bad. nd then at the same time you never wrote a post about; " me and amanda are friends again and everythings totally fine!'' real nice.

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