i'm lazy to talk about it cos i'm SO tired now. let me sum it up for you :
kenny & his boyfriend, midvalley megamall, prom clothes, SIX HOURS WALKING AROUND LOOKING FOR BOYS' STUFF.
well, fine, one hour we were just sitting down in maccer's discussing the condition of french fries and people in their class, and clothes. whatever. i haven't been to mc donald's in donkey ages =)
highlights of the day : -i was shopping for BOYS who were shopping for PROM. i am not a boy, neither am i going for prom. wtf?! -found an AWESOME pink and black striped tie, but kenny didn't want it because it was kinda rosak in some places :/ -weng yu (is that how you spell his name?) bought a freakingnice purple shirt from topman under my influence wuahaha and it was the same shade of purple i was wearing wuahahah we could be twins =D wuahahah. -shoe hunting in metrojaya and subsequent stoning on the chairs provided because we were so tired, even though we finished shopping already ho ho ho. -mc donald's =D
all in all, a good day, with a good distraction for a troubled mind.

lalala. i am pudgy. ngom ngom ngom.
i lubb you all! bai =)
kayjenno · Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 03:42pm · 2 Comments |