1. Can I be...
Annoying - No
Lovable - OF COURSE!!! :.hugs.: heart
Confusing - yeah...>.>
Normal - NUUUU!!! xDDD
2. Have I...
Changed: Not from since i met you. ^^
Become mature [Psh...xDDDD As if xDDD] - Pssh!!! As if!!! xDDDD
Become Immature - Nuuuu!!! Well if you wish. ^^
Become a different person - No one can.
3. Am I...
Lovable - YESHHHH!!!!!!! heart
Different - Yeah, but everyone is different of everyone. ^^
Huggable - :.hugs.: <33
I dunno -
4. Do I...
Hurt you - Nope
Love you - Yes...i think...xDDDD <333
Hug you - :.huggles.: Yep! <3
Laugh at you xDD Kidding, laugh with you - Yes laugh at me and with me. ^^
Now, About you lovely peoples <3333
Who are? - Me? Well I'm Suki of course. ^^
How'd we meet? - KAT'S SUPER AWESOME CHARITY!!!!! <3
Why are you here? - Because you have a status asking pplz to answer jur questions. ^^
Why do you think I want you to answer these? - Umm same as above. Haha.
Why are on my friends list? - I don't nuuu, ur tell me! >.> <.< Well nuu, cuz you love meh. ^^
Annoying - No
Lovable - OF COURSE!!! :.hugs.: heart
Confusing - yeah...>.>
Normal - NUUUU!!! xDDD
2. Have I...
Changed: Not from since i met you. ^^
Become mature [Psh...xDDDD As if xDDD] - Pssh!!! As if!!! xDDDD
Become Immature - Nuuuu!!! Well if you wish. ^^
Become a different person - No one can.
3. Am I...
Lovable - YESHHHH!!!!!!! heart
Different - Yeah, but everyone is different of everyone. ^^
Huggable - :.hugs.: <33
I dunno -
4. Do I...
Hurt you - Nope
Love you - Yes...i think...xDDDD <333
Hug you - :.huggles.: Yep! <3
Laugh at you xDD Kidding, laugh with you - Yes laugh at me and with me. ^^
Now, About you lovely peoples <3333
Who are? - Me? Well I'm Suki of course. ^^
How'd we meet? - KAT'S SUPER AWESOME CHARITY!!!!! <3
Why are you here? - Because you have a status asking pplz to answer jur questions. ^^
Why do you think I want you to answer these? - Umm same as above. Haha.
Why are on my friends list? - I don't nuuu, ur tell me! >.> <.< Well nuu, cuz you love meh. ^^