"Today, me and my boyfriend were fooling around on my bed when things started to get heated. I said to him, "Do what ever you want". He got up and said he'd be right back. I thought he went to get a condom. He came back with a sandwich. FML"
have you seen the koala one? it always makes me laugh.
Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on his couch when suddenly I tried to get up. Before I could stand, he grabs onto me and says, "I'm a koala and you're my eucalyptus tree!" He then continued to latch onto me for a good five minutes pretending to eat my hair. FML
Kazydi Community Member
Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 09:15am
That guy was an idiot. Any man with common sense knows that you tell HER to go make the sandwich.