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View User's Journal

what my days are like
day two
Got a new friend to day everyone calls her Ezmo xp she has a great persiality she is funny, smart, cute.
I bought some new stuff today: Swimming Trunks, Gum, and A Box of Chocolats.
After that i hung out with Joss and pulled a great prank on one of her friends it was hilarious she didnt know what to say when Joss said we were going out (but she went totaly wacked out and harsh and called me 50 years old i wouldent be able to write this much my fingers would have been broken) but we told her and she clamed to know it was a prank.
So as DAY TWO closes i feel that i have acomplished more than i could have thought to do in 2 days so with that i bid u goodnight. xp xp xp xp xp sad sad sad heart heart wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance crying crying crying