Gaia Name: Asu-Chan RP Character Name: Kasanhana, Kyouya Family: Kasahana, Yuki (Twin sister) Sex: Male Age: Sixteen Hair Color: White Two blusish streaks Eye Color: Grey blue Weight: 176 Height: 5'9 (One inch taller then Yuki. They don't look down at each other. Litterally)
Picture:  Personality: Kyouya hates his sister. The two had been compared and came to hate each other. Kyouya was never there for her in school. Either when she got beat up or when she was in the hospital. He doesn't care much about anyone. Unlike his sister he's not a scatter brain. But he's just as calculative. Something they share. He can be kind if he wants. Otherwise he can be quite mean. More so to his little sister
Scars? Tattoos? Markings? Mask Shard?: He has a tattoo of Blue dragon on his arm. Symbolizing Seriyu. One of the four gods of China. The protectors of the four corners. A large scar from his forearm to just under the Dragon. Mask Shard His upper right head. On his hair. Mask shard. A intricate dragon that would pull over his eye if whole. The rest would have been plain. The dragon key point. Hollow hole. Right shoulder.
History: Kyouya was the son Of a well known goverment official and his mother a well known scientist. The two were compared and their jobs prepared them at birth. The two children had no say so to what their futures were. He was always healthier then his sister and he took care of himself well. Certain not to get into any fights. He never had friends nor did he want any. The day he died was the day he had been forced to escort his younger twin to a concert in nagano japan. They had stayed late at home and a murderer came. Killed each and every one of them. Because of their parents. Zanpaku-to Name: Cursed Blade: Accumulating Sin
Zanpaku-to Appearance: 
First Release: Sins of Man released
First Release Appearance: First Release Abilities: Get into People's heads showing them their fears and regrets. Sometimes drawing them to inasnity where they kill themselves. Second Ability: Show them gorish terrifying things. Also could cause insanity. Third: Creates and controls fire. Unlike his sister who uses ice. One setback. The shadows the fire casts. Second Release: (release command)(Must be four or below)
Second Release Appearance: Second Release Abilities: Other Skills: Sonido, Quick Draw, Caluculating and planning Theme Song: Let the bodies hit the floor
TsunKitty · Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 05:55pm · 0 Comments |