ACTIONS agyrophobia (crossing the street) batophobia (passing high buildings) clinophobia (going to bed) coitophobia (coitus) ergophobia (work) erythrophobia (blushing) gephyrophobia (crossing a bridge) geumatophobia (taste) glossophobia (speech) graphophobia (writing) hamartophobia (sin) haphophobia (touch) haptophobia (touch) hodophobia (travel) hypnophobia (sleep) katagelophobia (ridicule) kleptophobia (stealing) laliophobia (speech) lalophobia (speech) mastigophobia (beating) musicophobia (music) olfactophobia (smell) ophresiophobia (smell) osmophobia (smell) peccatiphobia (sin) phagophobia (swallowing) phonophobia (speech) phronemophobia (thinking) pnigerophobia (smothering) pnigophobia (smothering) rypophobia (soiling) stasophobia (standing) thaasophobia (being idle) thanatophobia (death) thixophobia (touch) tocophobia (childbirth) tremophobia (trembling) trypanophobia (inocculation) vaccinophobia (innoculation)
ANIMALS acarophobia (mites) ailurophobia (cats) apiphobia (bees) arachnephobia (spiders) bacillophobia (microbes) bacteriophobia (bacteria) batrachophobia (reptiles) cynophobia (dogs) entomophobia (insects) helminthophobia (worms) herpetophobia (reptiles) hippophobia (horses) ichthyophobia (fish) microbiophobia (microbes) musophobia (mice) ophiciophobia (snakes) ophiophobia (snakes) ornithophobia (birds) pediculophobia (lice) snakephobia (snakes) spermatophobia (sperm) spermophobia (sperm) taurophobia (bulls) teratophobia (monsters) vermiphobia (worms) zoophobia (animals)
DISEASE albuminurophobia (albumin in urine) cancerphobia (cancer) cancerophobia (cancer) carcinophobia (cancer) cardiophobia (heart disease) carophobia (itch) cholerophobia (cholera) cnidophobia (insect stings) coprostasophobia (constipation) dermatopathophobia (skin disease) diabetophobia (diabetes) diplopiaphobia (double vision) emetophobia (vomiting) febriphobia (fever) helminthophobia (worms) hormephobia (shock) hydrophobophopia (rabies) lyssophobia (insanity) maniaphobia (insanity) meningitophobia (meningitis) nemophobia (anemia) nephophobia (disease) parasitophobia (parasites) pathophobia (disease) pellagraphobia (pellagra) phthisiophobia (tuberculosis) scabiophobia (scabies) syphilophobia (syphilis) traumatophobia (wounds) trichinophobia (food poisoning) trichopathophobia (hair disease) tuberculophobia (tuberculosis) venereophobia (venereal disease)
EVENTS acerbophobia (sourness) acerophobia (sourness) acrophobia (sharpness) algophobia (pain) anginophobia (narrowness) angst & dread (nothingness) apeirophobia (infinity) asthenophobia (weakness) atephobia (ruin) atelophobia (imperfection) autophobia (being alone) bathophobia (depth) hygrophobia (dampness) chromophobia (color) chronophobia (duration) dikephobia (justice) dromophobia (motion) eleutherophobia (freedom) ermitophobia (being alone) erotophobia (sex) gametophobia (marriage) genophobia (sex) gymnophobia (nudity) hedonophobia (pleasure) hypegiaphobia (responsibility) ideophobia (ideas) kakorraphiaphobia (failure) kenophobia (void) kinetophobia (motion) kopophobia (fatigue) logophobia (words) monophobia (being alone) nudophobia (nudity) onomatophobia (names) patriophobia (heredity) peniaphobia (poverty) philosophobia (philosophy) phobophobia (fear) poinephobia (punishment) politicophobia (politics) rhabdophobia (magic) symetrophobia (symmetry) tachophobia (speed) Tetraphobia (4) tredecaphobia (13) triskaidekaphobia (13) zelophobia (jealousy)
HUMANS agoraphobia (crowds) androphobia (men) Anglophobia (English people) anthropophobia (people) demophobia (crowds) Francophobia (French people) Gallophobia (French people) Germanophobia (German people) gringophobia (Americans) gynephobia (women) harpaxophobia (robbers) heterophobia (straight people) hierophobia (priests) homophobia (gay people) Japanophobia (Japanese people) Judeophobia (Jewish people) Negrophobia (Black people) ochlophobia (mobs) parenthophobia (young girls) papaphobia (the Pope) ***** (children) Russophobia (Russian people) Sinophobia (Chinese people) Teutonophobia (German people) xenophobia (foreigners)
NATURE achluophobia (darkness) acousticophobia (sound) aerophobia (drafts) ancraophobia (wind) anthophobia (flowers) antlophobia (floods) astraphobia (lightning) astrapophobia (lightning) barophobia (gravity) blennophobia (slime) bromidrosiphobia (body odor) brontophobia (thunder) cheimaphobia (cold) cheimatophobia (cold) cometophobia (comets) cryophobia (ice, frost) electrophobia (electricity) eosophobia (dawn) heliophobia (sun) homichlophobia (fog) hydrophobia (water) keraunophobia (thunder) nephophobia (clouds) nyctophobia (night) photophobia (light) potamophobia (rivers) pyrophobia (fire) sciophobia (shadows) scotophobia (darkness) selaphobia (light flashes) thalassophobia (the sea) thermophobia (heat) tonitrophobia (thunder)
PLACES acrophobia (high places) agoraphobia (open places) altophobia (high places) batophobia (high places) claustrophobia (closed places) cremnophobia (precipices) ecclesiophobia (church) ecophobia (home) hadephobia (hell) limnophobia (lakes) oecophobia (home) oikophobia (home) ouranophobia (heaven) potamophobia (rivers) stygiophobia (hell) thalassophobia (the sea) topophobia (certain places)
SPIRITS demonophobia (demons) hagiophobia (saints) phasmophobia (ghosts) pneumatophobia (spirits) Satanophobia (Satan) theophobia (God) Uranophobia (heavens)
THINGS amathophobia (dust) anthophobia (flowers) aulophobia (flutes) aurophobia (gold) ballistophobia (guns & Ammunition) belonephobia (needles) blennophobia (slime) chrometophobia (money) chaetophobia (hair) cibophobia (food) coprophobia (feces) crystallophobia (crystals) dermatosiophobia (skin) doraphobia (fur) eisoptrophobia (mirrors) enetophobia (pins) hemaphobia (blood) hematophobia (blood) hemophobia (blood) hydrophobia (water) koniophobia (dust) linonophobia (string) mechanophobia (machinery) metallophobia (metal) microphobia (small things) monophobia (one thing) mysophobia (dirt) myxophobia (slime) necrophobia (corpses) neophobia (new things) ochophobia (vehicles) ommetaphobia (eyes) panphobia (everything) pantophobia (everything) pharmacopophobia (drugs) pogonophobia (beards) potophobia (drink) proteinphobia (protein) pteronophobia (feathers) rectophobia (rectums) sitiophobia (food) sitophobia (food) Technophobia (technology) telephonophobia (telephones) toxiphobia (poison) toxophobia (poison) toxicophobia (poison) trichophobia (hair) Urophobia (urine)
marshjazz · Wed Dec 14, 2005 @ 10:44pm · 0 Comments |