holding up a pair of pants and shouting 'I hate pants!'
Some people are probably wondering what the heck this is all about.
xD Well, what its saying is true. I hate pants.
There so sweaty and they keep you locked down from your legs.
And they just feel odd to me.
I've always had a hatred for them.
So, one day I was talking to my best friend about how I hated pants
and decided I wanted an avi made of me.
Well, I didnt want pants on it.
So I made one (my best friends gonna make me a better one)
and decided that
I wanted to quest art of it
shouting "I hate pants!"
At first, I wanted it to be her holding up the pants and saying it
but what people have done for it have made it
a very creative project.
Like someone made the avi screaming
I hate pants next to a fireplace
where the pants were burning.
Another had me holding the pants
but they were burning.
Those were awesome as heck!
I love them!
But, getting back to the point,
thats the story behind it.
Im also questing art of
me and my best friend.
A few I want the same way
but I want my best friend
giving me a weird look and saying
'Cali, put your pants back on please.'
but yes, thats the story