Suzuka Inmeu ( inu me u) age: 17 Race: Human She loves to fight, and uses swords usually. She walks into a dojo to talk to the master, til a strange boy ran up to her.

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Name: Eriio rojhio Age:21 Race: Neko/ demo Gender: Male Eye color: red Ht: 5/11 WT:145 Fighting stlye: open fist Realship: N/A (info) BOrn andfraized by hi father iand mother in there privte dojo he leran the art of the open fist hestudy under his father for many year in hope of one day owning the dojo. Till one day a myster girl walked in to his study seision and he ran to her side and a love story began..
Vixen Aishlynn · Sun May 10, 2009 @ 07:11am · 1 Comments |