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Animal Rights
Hello everyone. I promise you that the next chapter will be coming soon but right now I wanted to share with you an essay I wrote. For more info on the following topic, please visit arrow PETA mrgreen heart dramallama

Most human beings live their life without having to worry about their necessities, but they do this through the animals’ expense. Animals have been on this Earth for about 600 million years, yet they are used by humans who have been on Earth for about 200,000 years. Animals have homes in jungles, forests, and lakes, and even though they might not live there all year, they still need a place to go back to. Humans have torn down these jungles and forests and dried up the lakes to build over, which leaves many animals looking for a new place to come back to and raise their young in. Animals are very similar to human beings, yet they suffer when humans use them to get food, in the fashion industry, and when being tested for medicine and other products.

A lot of the food that humans eat comes from animals, but to get that food, animals are put through harsh conditions. Pigs, for example, are kicked numerous times, whether it is because the pig shows resistance or simply because the worker is in a bad mood. Pigs are tortured because humans see them as ignorant and filthy creatures, but they are living things and do not deserve to be treated the way they are being treated. To kill baby animals, for instance, piglets, the workers throw them on the floor, hoping to break their heads. In some cases, the poor, defenseless animal does not die but is left with broken bones and severe injuries, which leaves them in a lot of pain. Many of these baby animals are taken away from their mothers shortly after they are born. The mothers go into a great depression, if not they become angry and try to fight back for them. In these cases, humans fight back stronger since they have the advantage. The workers use the excuse that the animal started it and was rampaging, but can you blame a mother for doing so after the pain it went through to give birth to maybe six or seven babies and them having them taken away.

The fashion industry is the biggest contributor to the brutal agony that animals go through. In this industry, animals are skinned alive so that humans can get pursues and coats, but the ways they skin these animals is atrocious. In World War 2, the Nazi’s put thousands of Jews in concentration camps and killed them in gas chambers. The same is done to animals in the fashion industry. Animals on fur farms are gassed, poisoned, electrocuted, or their necks are broken to kill them and later skin them. Some animals are skinned while they are sleeping, but sometimes they wake up while they are being skinned and the person doing it just continues and ignores the animal. For leather, snakes, lizards and crocodiles are skinned alive, without putting them to sleep or anything. Some snakes are even nailed on the head to a tree and then their skin is just pulled off.

Animals are used when being tested for medicine and products, 95 percent of these animals are rats and mice. When people think of mice and rats, they think of disgusting little creatures but they are actually very affectionate, resourceful, clever, form life long relationships, and even giggle when they are having fun. Rats and mice are very good mothers and risk their own safety to help their friends and family. In testing facilities, they are stuffed in overcrowded cages in laboratories and millions of them are cut apart and go through painful surgeries. These animals become depressed in these cages and become ill because of many of these surgeries. When they become sick, they get no attention and are left there to die, alone and in pain.

Animals go through so much pain and suffering throughout their lives. Humans cause a lot of this torment through their food processes, their fashion industry, and their testing facilities. I am not saying that you all should become vegetarians, but eat less meat and the meat that you do eat, don’t waste it or throw it out because when you do, it is like putting a puppy in the trash. Stop buying clothing and accessories that come from animals and stop using products from manufacturers that test on animals. For health reasons, the testing of animals and the food processes can not be completely stopped, so at least give the animals pain killers and better medical treatment. Give these animals some space and freedom.

crying Poor Animals crying

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Community Member

Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 01:14pm

I don't wear fur but you can't make everyone believe the way you do. Animals are tortured because 'those' people think it is fun or in someway right... The problem w/ PETA is not that their message is wrong; but that it is very hypocritcal... the 2nd in command takes insulin (tested on rats) and that the animals they take in are put down in the same numbers as a local humane society. Another problem I have is how many people agree w/ them but keep pets @ home which is completely againist there 'code' of conduct. The problem lies in the people who feel that they are above all living things, and those people will always hurt animals and other humans. I lived for 16 years of my life w/ an abusive father; plenty of people knew but no one help us... bottom line: People are selfish and willfully ignorant.

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