GaiaName: asura takanishi15 RP CharacterName: Sarah Isabella Freewall Age: Sixteen Race: Pureblood Vampire Appearance:  Bio: She enjoys reading and writing. But her true talent is singing. Her voice resembles that of a angel. She can be kinda rude. But she is very intelligent and loves learning. Although. She can be very rebellios. Her mood changes. She's from a noble vampire family. And her older brother Vincent was killed after giving her a rapier. (Sword) Called Heavans blade with a beuatiful gold hilt. Along the blade is engraved. -Heavans blade. May this sword protect you always my dearest sister.-
Other: She likes taking the forms of tigers. Or manipulating elements. But more of a curse is. She feels the physical pain of others and sences emotions of others. The pain she feels is always ten times worse.
TsunKitty · Wed Feb 25, 2009 @ 07:23am · 0 Comments |