



I told you i was going to make a story didn't i? and i am yaya ok background info
These four girls are totally different!!
Sheith is an average high-shooler. She works at a diner in her spare time. Her parents got divorced when she was little, she lives with her dad now and pretty much is the adlut around her house. Her dad works long hours at an apartment complex about half an hour from where they live.
Meeka is quit the 'mystery woman'. She's always moving around and noone knows much about her. She lives with a group of fighters and loves to fight, not to mention she's good at it. You usually will find her in the woods or at the house she and her group are staying in. She doesn't attend school, but still knows all the material.
Kaho also attends high school. She's the school misfit. She doesn't care about blending in, and is glad to just be herself. She doesnt care what anyone thinks. She has a series of scars on her face,hands,and back becasue she suffered abuse from her parents. She lives alone in the lighthouse tower. Well, not totally alone. She has a black cat called Shadow, and she says that's enough company for her.
Talit is a rouge. She lives wherever she wants, and can fend for herself. Talit has been alone all her life after breaking out of prison. She's allways wearing a red scarf, thats her symbol. She claims she was raised by wolves, and will die by wolves. People who don't know her joke that they'll eat her. But people who have heard of her before know better, tehy know she's tough, and may as well have been raised by wolves. She fights with a scythe, but can also fight with knives.
Well thats everybody important. What does fate have in store for girls so different? Will tehy be able tpo survive the cruilty of the world and the upcoming war, or will they be crushed by their differences?
new person ...maybe... idk yet lol im thinking like they find her later and she's in teh wilderness w/dromes... yeah still working on it lol
[img:35be38a554][/img:35be38a554] [b:35be38a554] I like roleplaying, music, and anything artsy. Photography, drawing, whatever. I do it all.[/b:35be38a554] [/color:35be38a554][/size:35be38a554][/align:35be38a554]
awesomecacy · Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 09:02pm · 0 Comments |