The woman Oscar grabs tries to push away from Oscar’s chest and break free from his grasp but all her attempts are futile. Oscar doesn’t let go still thinking that she is Emily.
“Stop, please, stop trying to depart from me! Emily, I am sorry.”
Oscar puts his head on top of hers and pleads. The woman stops from struggling and so Oscar loosens his grip on her. She breaks free from his arms and looks up at him with an angry yet confused emotion on her face. At that moment Oscar stares into her face for the first time, noticing that the woman is indeed not Emily.
“I am not Emily and you have no right in touching neither me nor any other lady that aggressively! No wonder this Emily character is running from you!”
Oscar glazes at her face, distinguishing all the differences between the two women’s appeal.
“I am sorry. You resembled the one I was searching for a great deal in you attire.”
The woman smiles in a joking manner.
“This woman, Emily, most have an elegant and decent style.”
“Yes she does. I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Oscar Caldwell.”
Oscar bows and the woman puts out her hand.
“Pleased to be in your presence, my name is Theodoric, Colette Theodoric.”
Oscar grabs her hand softly and kisses it.
“I am honored to meet you Ms. Theodoric.”
“Please just Colette. Do you want to go some where quieter and maybe less crowded?”
Oscar looks around one last time for Emily and then back at Colette.
“I don’t see anything wrong with the idea.”
Colette grips Oscar’s hand, makes her way out of the big crowd and into a hallway.
Jason smiles in excitement in running into her. She shook her head and then looked back up at the king.
“Yo…yo…you were looking … for me?”
Jason nods as a group of guards led by Aethelweard break through the people and stop in the gap between the king and the people.
“Are you alright, my lord?
“Yes I am. Aethelweard you don’t have to worry about me and remember what I told you on the way down here?”
“Yes I do. I am sorry my lor… Jason.”
“That’s better. Now may you please cope with these people for me?”
“Of course, Guards!”
Aethelweard turns around to face the crowd and signals the guards to bring things back to normal.
“Everyone, please, resume dancing. There is nothing that has happened in importance that you all must worry about. Now, have a good time.”
Aetheweard twists his head to towards Jason and blinks one eye and smiles. The guards go into the group of people and reassure them all. Aethelweard puts up his hand and tells the orchestra to begin playing again. As the music starts, the people dance and Aethelweard leaves the area. The guards return to their positions and keep an eye on the gathering of people dancing. Jason looks at the crowd and then back at the woman.
“Would you like to dance?”
She nods, grabs his hand and begins to dance with him.
“Why were you looking for me?”
Jason smiles and shakes his head.
“Why, you ask? Is it not obvious?”
Her face falls into confusion and shakes her head. Jason smiles and continues.
“As I was walking down those stairs, I looks out onto all the people and you… you caught my eye and I forgot where I was, who I was. Your beauty and your unique costume are so magnificent that I just could not stop staring. I then made my way through this crowd to find you.”
Her face turns a bright red as she blushes. She can’t believe what she has just heard THE KING say about her.
“Thank you.”
“You know my name but I don’t believe I caught yours.”
“Emily Adams.”
“Emily means rival, does it not? Adams means man or earthly. Together it would be rival man. It is a strong name yet it is beautiful, especially when placed on such a gorgeous person.”
Emily thinks about the meaning of her name, never really knowing what it meant. When she was young, she was told that she has a dangerous name but she didn’t really know what they meant until now. She actually believed that by dangerous they meant that it’ll make all men love her or something like that. Jason notices that what he had said troubled her.
“Names don’t show who the person really is. Don’t fret about what your name means, it’s your personality that counts.”
Jason says this but doesn’t believe it for his family believes that the name tells you all of a person. The soft sound of his voice comforted Emily but even she did not believe him. She always thought her name meant something beautiful and because of this, she judged a person by their name.
The hallway is filled with paintings of the royal family. As Oscar and Colette went farther down the hall, the paintings went further back in time, showing countless of royal generations.
“I didn’t know that the same family has ruled for so long.”
Oscar glazed into every painting as they walked by them.
“Yes, they have ruled since the start of the British civilization.”
Each painting showed the King seated at the center with his wife standing next to him and their son in front of her. There were only three people in every single painting. King, wife, son, king, wife, SON. No daughter, no more then one child, just one and only son. Oscar found it strange that the family never had a daughter, or so it seems.
“Why is there no daughter or woman besides the queen in each painting?”
Colette looks back at Oscar and then in front of her. They reach a beautiful golden door and she stops in front of it.
“So, you noticed. Come inside, it isn’t safe to talk about it out here.”
She opens one of the two doors and holds it open for Oscar to come in. Oscar follows her and so she closes the door behind him.
“Come sit, please.”
Colette walks over to the bed and sits down, Oscar follows and also sits. The room is filled with gold, golden furniture, golden tea set, golden doors, and golden jewelry. There was a closet in the far right of the room, filled with dresses and shoes, women shoes. Oscar was confused, if there weren’t any women besides the queen, who slept with the king in the master bedroom upstairs, so then to whom did this room belong to?
“Oscar, please, what I am about to tell you, you must never tell anyone!”
“Yes, of course.”
Colette pauses and takes in a big breath.
“When the first monarchy was formed here in Britain, the king and queen had a daughter but weren’t able to bare a son to inherit the throne. The king was enraged yet melancholy. He wanted his family to be rulers forever but if he had no son then it would never happen. What he did was that he dressed his daughter as a boy and so the daughter became king. When it was time for the king or daughter to have an heir, there laid the problem. How was a woman able to produce an heir if she was supposed to be a man, a king?”
Oscar thought for a moment.
“What are you getting at?”
“The king revealed herself to be a woman and the people were outraged. They burned her alive but who would take power if the king was dead? Later on, after years of destruction without a king, a man appeared. He was son of the woman king who was killed. She bore him shortly before her death. This man then became king but because of what they did to his mother, he was scared that they might kill any other woman in the family except the queen. He then had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was heir and the girl never existed.”
Oscar’s eyes were open wide for he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was also perplexed, how could he have a daughter yet she doesn’t exist?
“He hid his daughter in this bedroom. No one knew of her except the family themselves. She was hidden until she was of the age of seventeen. At this age, they snuck her out of the house so that she may live her on life as someone new. Get married and forget about her past. The king told his son this story and his son after that and his son and so on. Every king from then on mysteriously had two children each all being one boy and one girl. Each king hid their daughter in this very bedroom and did the same exact thing as the king before them; this has now become a tradition of the family and is continued to this very day.”
Oscar was amazed but suspicious of her story.
“How do you know all this?”
“How, how because I am living it!!! Yes, that is correct; I am the sister of King Jason.”
Oscar stands up immediately in shock of not only who she really is but because of the sound of her angry voice.
“You said your name was Colette Theodoric.”
“It is. I am twenty-two years old now. I was let free a while back. I was married but my husband died. I am a widow and I was unable to bare children.”
Oscar thought of her age. The king was twenty-two and if she is telling the truth and really is his sister, then that makes them twins. Would they really hide away his Twin sister?
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"I have a nice little house in my head. It has five residents. I don't know their full names but I call them S, M, H, and B. The fifth person is me, my inner self."
The house is now a building and has seven occupants. Names: Gab, Rye, Elle, Gabe, Gabby, Gabel, and Gabriel.
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