The alleys have been cleared, vampires have broken lose, nothing to stop them except a few of their kind or a few humans who have extordinary skills or just dumb luck. It is up to them to save the world from the ravanous vampires. Oh, and did I mention one more thing that is on the humans side? No... well don't worry this isn't just a vampire thing, for werewolves and other mystical things have a tendinsy of happening and showing themselves. Even if you wanted to make your own race of creature, viola! Other then wiping out the whole race of vampires there is another way to save your hindquarters. The vendredi stone, its mystical powers allow the user to control or manipulate most vampires. Just one tiny problem. The stone hasn't been seen for 1300 years. So yeah start looking, for it only takes a vampire terrorist group to take over new york, imagine what else they could do. Two final words for you. Good Luck. EXAMPLE PROFILE
gaia user-name: ~Black~~~~~Heart~ Character name(s): Serenity Mavella (girl), Landen Demanique (Boy) pic: (optional) past: When she was bitten she asked for it so she could make her powers rise to there ultimate potential. And so she fights for the humans, at least the humans who want to stay humans. Her life before her vampire life went all hazy when she transformed into a vampire. (boy) he has been a vampire for 1400 years. He was lucky enough to have seen the vendredi stone. He came over Serenity as she was running away from home. She begged him to turn her when she realized what he was. He asked her why and she told him, "So I can save as many people as possible." he couldn't deny her of this so he did it, only because he loved her. So together they kick evil but and live happily together while searching for the stone. race: vampire power: (Girl)Telekenisis (yah the whole OMFG *Toaster flys across room*) (Guy) Can jump great distances (Like over oceans ((Yes he can have this, not all vampires can fly though unless they can that is)) gender: female male extras: Loves dark chocolat as her blood replacement. He loves her as she loves him. His blood replacement is any animal that is over populated. (same as Serenity sometimes) home or resting place: (returns once in awhile)
 It was a dark windless night, not a single cloud could be seen. Just an empty endless horizon of black with a few stars and the moon shining bright. Serenity sniffed the air and turned her head to see Landen, "The night is unussualy silent... something is probably going to happen, something... bad." All LAnden could do was shake his head with a grim expression on his face, "Yes, I know and that's why we shouldn't be out.. something bad might happen to us... or worse you." Serenity dismissed this silly idea by waving her hand. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, "The only thing that could happen to us is fall of the top of a scyscraper." Landen rolled his eye's, "And were will we find one at this hour... oh, I forgot we're standing on one!" "Sorry to intrupt your love fest,but we got things to do."said Kate.She was a tall early 20s Vamp.
Lush_me_moogle_pink gaia user-name: Amber of the trees Character name: Victoria Age: unknown pic:  past: Before she joined the family she unknowingly fell in love with another family member, Jacob. Only problem, no one ,not even her, knew how he felt for her. When one of her closest friends and family member (who she shall not name) told her he didnt love her, she was heart broken. When she told Alice, her best friend, family member, and spirit sister, of what she had heard, Alice did everthing to help her, but all to no avail. One night, when she thought she would snap, she ran away, to save herself and her family, left a note that only read, "If the only reason for contiueing this sad, tormented life, has abandoned me, then there is nothing left for to stay. I will never again truble you with this empty existence." In finding the note, the family believed she had killed herself. Now a wanderer of the world, she trys to find a new meaning for life, in the tormented one of hers as a hybrid, a monster. She has only ever told of her past of before the family to Bella and Alice and few family members. race: Hybrid Vampinthrope Mut (in short: born a human, was bitten first by a vampire then by a Lycanthrope, they are the rarest creatures ever known to exist) power: Dream visions, Pyscic/Spirit empathy, unknown (hasnt discovered it yet). gender: female extras: She belongs to a non-biological family called M.I.T.M, a self contained groups of vampires, werewolves, witches, and all other outcasted beings, whos members are only known by other members. (It would be so nice if people had some originality these days...yeah,Amber of the trees, im talkin to you!)
gaia user-name: gaaralover1234 Character name: Cody Age: 830 but looks 14 pic: past: Cody was alone. She was ignored and forgotten by those who called her their "Friend", she was abused at home, locked in a basement and beat every night. She couldn't sleep for fear of being raped ofr beaten by her father, and she could barley eat. So she decided to end it. One night, when her father was too drunk he forgot to lock the basement door, she grabbed one of the kitchen knives and slit her fathers throat while he slept on the couch with an empty bottle in one hand and a prono tape playing on the T.V, and then, deciding she couldn't stab herself, she climbed on top of her roof, and jumped. (Three story house) She woke up in a new place, a new time it almost seemed. She wasn't sure what had happened, but all she knew was that, no matter how many times she threw herself orr her roof, or stabbed herslef, she couldn't die. race: Vampire power: She can controll the weather,and the night and darkness, as well as fire,and invade peopls dreams, and shapeshift into any living thing. gender: female extras: She is fasinated by penguins, and wil often be found at zoo's or in parks when she is nervous, hurt or scared. gaia user:Happymonkeys charactor name: Van age: 15 (reciently infected) pic: past: Once the Ace student at his school and was very popular. Was drunk with some friends downtown and wandered off down an alley. There was a shady figure in the corner by the light post. he tryed to run but to all of his dismay fell and puked. The figure swooped over him and before he knew it, woke up in a hospitle with bite marks. He ended up killing the doctors and nurses and ran away. Here he is and hes fighting for redemption. race: vampire powers: ability to manefest nature in his hands, and destroy people from the inside out gender: male estras: loves underoath and can be found at the bar that his bestfriend owns most of the time, where he works. Van is freaking out because hes late to his job at his friends bar. He is speeding away from his downtown apartment. He is at a red light and looks up and sees to loonie people on top of a skyscraper. but sence he is late he speeds off and pulls into his workplace. he runs in and starts to work on wiping the bar down. Serenity grinned, "I apologize Kate, and yes I completely forgot, Landen we should go... it would be bad if we missed our appointment." she grinned revealing her fangs. Landen smiled, "Oh, yes it would be bad if the evil ones (bad vamps) got to this Van first." Cody sat on a park bench staring at the dark sky. "....I want it to rain...I like rain" she murmmered to herself. She closed her eyes and pictured it raining. drip. A drop of rain fell from a tree branch above her and landed on her chin. She smiled as the driping continued and the distance between each drop that fell on the bench lessened. She breathed in the scent of wet earth and grass. "I really do love rain..." she murmered to herself agin, rising off of the bench and stepping from out of the protection of the trees. Goddess_Rose_Pedely Username: Goddess Rose Pedely Charater name: Genaviev. Not Gen, not Genny, Genaviev. (the 'G' is pronounced like a 'J') Age: Technocly 5000, but I look, and act, 17. So yes, it'll be 17. Past: Lived in a mansion for all of life. Is used to getting what (and who) she wants, when she wants it (/ them). Born and raised vampire. Very snooty, very social but firm, hasty, rude, but really hot and someone most boys would like to get-to-know! Race: Vampire Vixen Powers: Invisabilty, seduction (my mother was Seduca (I don't know how to spell that)), telepathic,flying (duh), I can walk through and see through anything! Gender: Vixen=Hot GIRL! Extras: Loves liqour, tiquila, whine-coolers, red whine especially, and rum. Loves to sing, cast spells, drink blood, sleep, kiss, and bite my own tongue so I can drink my own blood! What I look Like:  Genaviev stood on the skyscraper and asked, "What things must we...entend, to?"Something important I presume?And who cares if you fall off a tall buliding! If you're a vampire, surely, you can fly? Am I correct?" she then jumps off the buliding and lands on her feet. The she yells up to them, "Are you coming?! We have things to do, remember?" Serenity smirked and jumped after her dragging Landen along, "Well..." she started, "This Van, I have heard knows a clue to the treasure and hope for ou survival." quote="huntsman449"]gaia user-name: huntsman449 Character name(s): Prometheus pic:  past: Prometheus was hired by the people of NYC to hunt down as many Vampires he could kill. He gladly accepted it. They supply the money, he supplies killing them. race: human power: Mind reading, and seeing into the future. gender: Male extras: NEVER takes of his hat. Hates emos, gay guys, and vampires. Likes falling asleep after getting drunk on mondays. home or resting place: [/ Prometheus walked through the city, carrying blood packets,making him a plain target to Vampires. It's what us hunters are for. he thought. Prometheus walked through, fingering the crucifix under his jacket until he noticed the Vixen sitting on the skyscraper. Somehow, she stuck out to him as a Vampire. Maybe it's her powers that I am sensing...... Name:Quincy Darklaw Appearence:short silver hair, a dark blue tuxedo, a red rose corsage, black eyes, a bat wing ear ring, a studded toungue, a black long sword mounted on his back Race:Vampire Gender:Male Extras:he does have an impish nature, has a full mastery of vampiric arts *teleportation, weapon summoning, flying, and full transformation* he loves to read, he is usually relaxed and very classy, he has an extreme hate of humans Home: He usually shall reside in old castles, or churches
Chrome Shadows Username:Chrome Shadows Character name: Cyrus pic:  Past:One of the many children raised and experimented on by Vampires who sought to overcome thier weaknesses through the study of humans. They injected him repeatedly with a serum concocted with their own DNA throughout his life. Instead of becoming infected and turning into a vampire his DNA fused with the serum and he became a hybrid. He inherited thier strength, speed and increased senses of smell,sight etc. It was then he was able to escape them. He now does whatever he can to make them miserable. Power: hypnotism-uses his mind to force people to do his bidding or make them forget he was there Age:14 Race: hybrid Gender:Male (obviously) extras: slighly demented, sort of an oddball home/resting place: no place in particular, where ever he can find shelter Cyrus had watched the vampires from,the shadows. His eye twitched beneath his bangs and his head tilted to the side. "Hmm. Van, eh?" his tongue flickered out as he pondered this new information. Suddenly he was hit with the scent of blood. Following it curiously he found himself looking at a tall man with wide-brimmed black hat. 'Ah, Hunter'Cyrus tucked his hands into his jacket pocket, shuffled up to the man lazily and looked up at him.
"How's the weather up there, Tinkerbell?" he asked sarcastically. Prometheus noticed the strange young man who approached him. "I know I am tall, but not that tall." Prometheus sternly said. Cyrus was obviously suspicious, so he got a good grip on his crucifix. He wasn't much of a threat, so Prometheus walked down to the bar so he could get a drink. Quincy teleports in front of Prometheus only a few inches away he says:"He is just a hybrid your stupid crucifix wouldn't even work on him, so just hand over the blood packets like a good human kay." with his last word he tilts his head slightly and starts to show his piercing *he often does this instead of showing his fangs*
Shadowed Gaze gaia user-name: Shadowed Gaze Character name(s): Harley pic:  past: She comes from a long line of hunters of the undead. Her lineage goes as far back as the Salem Witch Trials. She staked own brother right after he'd been infected by a vampire. Her mother killed herself after the incident and her father died of alchohol poisoning. Harley was left heartbroken and alone though she would never show it. Her true feelings masked by a cold-hearted demeanor. race:human power: empathy. she can read auras which allows her know whenever someone is there and what they feel which in turn serves her to know thier intentions. gender: female extras: her prized possession is an heirloom passed down for generations in the form of a necklace that prevents her from being affected by powers such as mind-tricks home or resting place:The old plantation where her family has always lived:  Harley stode briskly down the street. Despite the nighttime hour people still wandered the city looking for good time, begging for pennies, or trying to pay the bills by the degrading act of selling thier body. Occasionally a flirty whistle was thrown her way but for the most part she glowered, kept her eyes straight ahead and all moved out of her path.
"Hey baby," an unshaven male stepped in her way. His putrid breath smelled of alchohol and his clothes smelled like stale rum. She sneered, she hated people who drank. She fixed him with a glare that would have made paint peel but the drunken idiot was totally unfazed. "Get. The frack. Out. Of. My. Way." her tone low and menacing.
"Come on baby. Whats a pretty thing like you doing out all alone?I think you need some company." He moved in and tried to grope her.Harley grabbed the back of his neck and slammed her knee into his gut. She shoved him aside and kept moving. Cyrus silently crept around so he was behind Quincy. He casually sauntered his way up to him and took a lighter from his pocket. Using his mind he willed the he remain unnoticed by the two men. He flicked on the lighter and held it to the back of Quincy's expensive tuxedo. A slow grin crept onto his face as it began to burn. Quincy twirls around, sucks in a mouthfull of air, and breathes a gigantic flame that engulfs Cyrus he then says:"You are lucky that this isn't my only suit or you would be dead." Prometheus ignored the Vampire, and what Cyrus did to him. He walked past the Vamp and took out an onion ((go garlic!)) and began to eat it. "I'd like a wine, please." Prometheus asked. "Would that be bottle or glass?" "Glass, and make it quick. I've got some 'buisness' to do with a certain van...." Prometheus drank it down and left a tip on the counter with a goodbye and swiftly left. Harley pulled her cell phone from her belt and reread the text message she got explaining her assignment. According to one of her sources a bar downtown employed vampires. Harley headed for a garage she rented out. She used a remote to open the door and walked in to see her shining jet black 69 Chevelle SS waiting for her. She tucked her silver-white behind one ear as she climbed in. She closed her eyes and smiled as the engine roared to life. She let the sound wash over her senses like a sweet angelic melody. It was one of the few things she took pleasure in. Harley pulled out of the garage, turned on her GPS and headed for this 'vampire bar'. Prometheus walked outside and got ontoa big black horse. He wouldn't by a car so he would ride this horse. Prometheus pulled on the reins and rushed off. "They've go to be around here somewhere." he said, getting off his horse. Prometheus found some tracks and followed them to find Serenity and her friends. Prometheus waited there hiding, to listen about the Van. Cyrus healed faster than he was being wounded. He never even felt the pain. He cracked his neck, "Interesting." he said. he paid no mind to the hunter and focused on Quincy ((who has now become Vincent...?)). "You vamps are all the same disgusting animals in and out." he spoke resentfully. "No respect for anything...not even your fellow ticks." Cyrus slammed the palm of his hand into Quincy's chest knocking backward 100 feet. Harley was speeding down the street when a body flew past up ahead at the next intersection. Pulling over she got out of the car to see what was happening. Then she saw him, "Cyrus." she growled. She stalked up to him and grabbed ahold of his collar.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she said in a deadly whisper. "You may not be a pure-blood but I will still run you through with my katana if you keep messing around." Cyrus laughed and held up his hands guiltily. "As charming as usual, kitten." he said with a sadistic smile. "Say, you don't happen to have that sweet car with you? I'd love to run over that vamp over there." He jerked his head toward Quincy/Vincent. "Put it in reverse and do it again." Harley raised an eyebrow, "And wreck it like you did my Mustang? I don't think so?" Glancing over at the vampire then back at Cyrus she sighed and said, "Try not to break anything...or anyone this time, dhampir. I won't be so forgiving the next time. Capice?" She jerked his collar emphasis. Prometheus looked at the two Vampire girls and that one guy. The heck are they talking about? he thought. He would grab a stake, but the vixen held him back. "Capice. Thanks kitten." He grinned and turned to Quincy/Vincent. "Get up pretty boy. I ain't finished with you yet." Harley growled, "Don't call me Kitten." She let go of his collar and stormed off back to her car. She got in and slammed the door shut.
Then immediately apologized.
"I'm so sorry baby" she cooed while caressing the dashboard. "I didn't mean to hurt you." She started the car and drove off around the corner. After not too long she picked up on four vampires just ahead. She pulled over again, as she got out of a car she noted that a large black horse stood alone nearby. Frowning she walked up to it confidently and stroked his strong black neck. "What are you doing here?" she asked. Her family has always owned horse so she was quite comfortable around them. Glancing around she saw a human aura not far from the vampires. She approached the figuire, cautious but confident. Genavieve randomly appears out of no where with a bottle of opened red wine in her lefty hand. Presumably drunk, she slurfully says, "So *takes a swig* What are you guys doing?" she wobbles around. But then she realizes that her powers are working and she stables herself to look like she wasn't drunk at all. "Well hello there." she said sensually. Prometheus looked over at the Vixen again, he could tell that she was drunk. "The only thing going on here, is that she's attacking that guy who threw another guy at her car." He took a drink of his own wine, and then laid back on one of the couches. "Basiccaly a Vampire bonanza if you ask me, even though I'm human. My name is Prometheus, and I am basiccaly the only concerned human about Vampires." She leaned over him with one arm propped on his chest. "I can bite you so easily. You won't be a human for much longer." Her fangs grew longer about to the length of her bottom lip. "And that's a promising threat." she got up from hovering over him and continued to drink. "Not that easy, my little Vampire friend." Prometheus opened up his jacket to reveal chest straps with stakes in them, a crucifix, an a necklace of onions. "I'm the only one concerned, because I'm the only one brave enough to hunt them. Good biting!" He tilted down his hat, and went to sleep with his garlic. She too, fell asleep, but more of like in a passed-out kinda way. Her bottle was very much gone by now, and Genavieve just lay on the floor holding it to her chest. Prometheus was in a deep sleep, but woke up from his drink being ready. He took the wine, custom made for him him, and started to drink from it being propped up in a chair. Harley sighed through her nose, "Great a bunch of drunken fools. You'll regret it tomorrow that's for sure." (sorry everyone Quincy's brother is Vincent he has white hair and a red suit, he is slightly smaller, the ability to fly is a vampiric ability, really it is, as well as shape shifting, extreme speed and teleportation) Quincy and vincent both teleport in front of Cyrus and Quincy says:"Well what did i miss." Vincent simply stands with charred lips *he is the one who breathed the fire, Quincy has the ability to make shards of ice come from any part of his body.* Prometheus stood up with his wine and wobbled over to the guys. "Well you missed me and the lady getting drunk beyond relief, plus everyone found out I'm the reason for the missing Vampires." He grabbed his wine glass tightly. "And I'm about to pass out like her!" Prometheus fell over on the floor drunk and started rambling about Cheetos... everyone has their drunk moments. Quincy simply looks towards the bar tender and says:"Sake now oh and a glass of water" after slamming down the sake and wobling a bit he pours the water on the drunken man and slaps his face a bit. Prometheus shot up like a bolt of electricity had shot through him. "I'm gonna come at you like a Spider Monkey!" he said, trying to get out of his drunk state. "Oh, sorry.. my name is Prometheus and I am drunk since today is monday ((see description on page 1))" Prometheus shook his hand. "Hold this please." he said as he put his wine in the Vampire's hand. Prometheus then toppled over like a dominoe. Quincy gives a strange look at him after he had fallen the bar tender simply said:"Im on it" he pours a large cold pitcher of water on Prometheus. "AND WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?!" Prometheus screamed. "When I pass out next to a girl, let me pass out! Bartender, wine now!" Prometheus took the wine that the bartender handed to him and drank it down with full intent and passed out for good this time. Quincy drags Prometheus to his feet and says:"Hey wake up how about i drive you home so you can pass out and i can enjoy my evening in peace." he thought to himself *pathetic* "I'll be fine, I have a horse that is not drunk unless it found ma whiskey!" Prometheus said. He walked out to his horse and fell asleep on it while The horse went into the woods..... Quincy scowls at Prometheus and says"You b*****d" he then kicks the horses front leg causing it to break. "That is my favorite horse......" Prometheus murmured. He tied up Quincy and put stakes through his hands and feet. "I'll be back for you at sunrise. C'mon Shadowmere!" He took his horse by the reins and went to his fortress. *just trying to keep the Rpg alive!i hate you for doing that, but it was clever...good work * Quincy simply sits down on the curb of the street waiting for someone to come by and free him he manages to get the rope off but the stakes are too painfull to even touch, he simply bites his piercing to help dull the pain, he yells out while he is riding away"You know if the sun rises i might just die." he then says to himself "i hope he comes back soon...oh well." he sighs and begins to suck away the blood from the stakes, after a while he simply falls asleep. ((Thanks, also that is why I said that I'll be back at Sunrise.)) (you clever b*****d, and you can't get my fangs as a trophy if i die ) After the night, Prometheus walked back out to the Vampire. "Don't touch my horse. Nextime I'll leave you out here." He untied him and pulled out the stakes. "Now go clean yourself up." after shaking off the blood from his hands he says"Thanks for that" he raises a hand to show Prometheus it heals before his eyes, Quincy quietly grabs a rag from the nearby bar and washes his hands"I kinda like you so i shall keep you around... for now."
(this is my favorite rpg because it is basically just you and me huntsman!) (( eek )) ((I'm not into Yaoi....)) (not like that its that i just enjoy hating you!) Quincy puts his hands behind his head and says" I think im going to go get a tattoo." Quincy comes back later with his right sleeve torn off and a large elaborate skull tattoo on his shoulder he walks away and says"See you later...jerk" Serenity walked up to Prometheus a little confused, "um...... sir? i've seem to have lost my way... and well you seem like a guy who knows his directions... is that... onnions?" she asked pointing to a onnion on the ground.
Landen frowned, "How may in the world did she get so lost to be in the woods during the day? GAAH! Twig in the face, twig in the face!" "Depends on where you're going." Prometheus said, picking up the onion. "Yes, it is. You see, I was the one hired to take out the Vampires much like yourself." He was mentioning the fangs he saw while she was talking, plus he could just tell when someone is a vampire. quote="Solomon the Demon King"]gaia user-name: Solomon the Demon King Character name:Valkyrie Age: ageless, hes just always been. pic: past:He has no past, hes wandered the world entering a war when one requires his help. race:Hybrid, Elf/Vampire power:He controls Earth. gender:Male extras:He has a parrot named pheonix. He loves many different wines and literature. A kind and patient soul, he is every bit wise and caring,but if he loses his temper there will be hell to pay. Valkyrie looked curiously as he passed a drunk mortal on a horse, he stood outside the vampire bar. He slowly opened the door and walked in saying, "Greetings gentlemen...and gentlewoman. Why was there a insanely drunk man riding a horse. He could get hurt could he not?" He thought about this and the rivalry between vampires and mortals, he shrugged and went to the bartender. "Could I have a bottle of cherry red wine please?" Serenity giggled, "Uh.... sir do you realize while onnions repel us... just a bit... garlic is what you should go for... and I am not an enemy merely just another trying to find the stone that will release the other vampires under their horrible curse." she said with a crooked smile.
~Black~~~~~Heart~ · Sat Nov 29, 2008 @ 01:08am · 0 Comments |