The Reclusive Writer *~* Name: Noah Denver Age: 17 Occupation: bestselling author of the Apocalypse series (Book One: Gabriel On High and Book Two: Into the Fire) Appearance: Noah stands about six feet tall, with black hair and turquoise eyes. The Story Thus Far: Noah discovered his talent for writing when he started making up fantastic lies when he was just six, and he has been quite the storyteller ever since. He began writing his first novel at 14, amongst the chaos of starting high school, but it paid off: the book hit the top of every self-respecting literary chart when it was published a year later. It made his parents billionaires. Realizing he would never be able to touch any of the money he had earned with his raw talent, or live the life he envisaged for himself, as long as his parents controlled his accounts, Noah became an emanciapted minor at 16 (originally an idea fought vehemently by his agent, but which ended up building his celebrity). He bought himself a good-sized cabin in the woods outside his small hometown, and began writing nearly full time. He got his GED in lieu of actually finishing high school and going through the pomp and circumstance (if you'll pardon the pun) of graduation at about the same time as his emancipation, and he has since published a second novel. Noah's usually quiet, preferring to watch and study interactions rather than initiating any contact or relationships of his own. He prefers to live on his own, secluded from others, which is why his home far back in the woods and a good distance from any known hiking trails, is a perfect one for him. He's nearly finished with his third book, so he's even more reclusive than usual now, not that he doesn't still enjoy the occassional walk in the woods to clear his mind.
So, he's a pretty normal, run-of-the-mill character, but I like him, and I'd like to work him into...something. Someday. I'll work on it.
OuEstLaCraie · Wed Nov 26, 2008 @ 10:18pm · 0 Comments |