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View User's Journal

The stuff i might do every day
stuff about stuff
Dear Journel.......

that was on pourpose :3
And i wont be using Dear journal for now on.........

Anyway, this is my first entry in you know what. So I thought i'd talk about what i did today in Gaia

Well i started out watching the new gaia cinema thing about that vampire that calls a news reporter her brother and stuff. It was good overall.
zOMG was next, i went to the zen gardens and joined a crwe that was fighting pink puffs. Those things are very dangerous if you stay near them. And if your a low level you have to travel trough Bill's ranch and get there, and hope there aren't any lanters instead of pink puffs. Or yellow dolls >.< The safest way is to go thorugh village greens in almost any direction, that follows the path. if you live, you keep following the path left all the way to bills ranch, pray there aren't any garlic around there. and just travel upward in bills ranch till you get to the zen gardens. The safest way there is to keep going left and up till you get to a path, then in that area you should find a shrine, that is a safe place, no animated will go there. If you keep going up following the path you will get to a inter section, if you find 3 yellow dolls and a chest in the bottom right corner you went too far right. When you get to a fork in the road go let and when you get to a bridge go up and there should be lanters or pink puffs. It's a good way to lvl up cause if your weak you can heal ppl and if you die they can use Defibulator on you and keep you alive. And while in that crew you can get free orbs, and they give a lot, you can also get a bunch of rings to use. But to really get stronger you should do quests in the village greens and bills ranch. and Most of the ones in Barton town, you should wait till you are about 3.1 in lvl to do ians quest about fighting a giant animated. Oh and i did that quest today, it was easy cause i was 3.1 and we had another strong member. I barley got hurt and destroyed almost every enemy. After i left i had a total of 51 orbs after all this and earned about 5 rings. I had to walk the dog after that, and all was well.