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my songs! (song 1)
the first song i wrote, titled 'love'
((Song two, 'The beauty that surrounds you'))

Feilds of cotton woods, spread across the land
We leave our footprints, in the deasert sand

The beauty that surrounds you,
from the desert to the river running caynons through
the sunrise over the mountain range,
the animals, simple, small big and strange

Prarie grassed, flutter in the breeze,
the beauty of it all, brings us to our knees

Courus(hold out)

bridge: Cottonwood Gulch helps us see,
all of nature's beauty,
and on the trail we go along
we find out where we belong!(hold)

Feilds of cottonwoods, spread across the land
we leave out footprints, in the desert sand.

I wrote this while at a camp called Cottonwood gulch, where I went on a five week backpacking trip, almost compleatly separated from civilization.(and guys). It was amazing, and the landscapes of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah inspired this. Mostly Utah and New Mexico.

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