Well Right Now I Am Going To Write Down Some Of The Poems I Have Written In The Past Five Months....So Here It Goes I Guess....Hope You Enjoy Them....
Anger & Rage
Anger & rage consumes us all.
There is no way to control it.
We wish for ways to hide it,
Ways to disguise is.
We wish for people to take it out on...
Some seek revenge on the innocent or unwise.
People have no control over what they tend to do or say.
Some wish for the people to die,
Some wish the person ill,
Or some wish the person to hurt.
There is no way for is to know what the person wishes upon us all.
All we can do is hope & pray that we will be alright.
But we must remember this, never give up or give in.
Just keep your head held high and don't let anyone talk you out of something.
Written on: 5/23/05
Written By: Jessica K.
There are times in a persons life when they are unwilling to do things.
There are times when the person who is unwilling can't stop someone from taking advantage of them.
When things like this happen or almost happen the person tends to fade into themselves.
The person also tends to have a hard time trusting others and their own feelings.
You try your hardest to make them see,
To help them through what had happened or almost happened.
But there are times when your help can't make things better for them.
You continue to try and help them and make them as comfortable as possible.
All you can do is try and hope for the best and try and help your friend become better.
Written on: 5/27/05
Written By: Jessica K.
Hopes & Dreams
Every person sometime in their life will have hopes and dreams.!.!.!
Sometimes a persons hopes and dreams can be achieved,
We all strive to make our hopes and dreams become reality.!.!.!
There are times, though,
When our hopes and dreams are out of our reach and connot be accomplished.!.!.!
There are also times when out hopes and dreams are able to be reached but not without losses.!.!.!
Those are the times when our hopes and dreams matter the most,
For without losses things don't matter as much.!.!.!
To some, hopes and dreams don't really matter but to others,
They mean everything,
Even if it means taking a chance of them not coming true in the end.!.!.!
Written on: 7/2/05
Written By: Jessica K.
Why must I hurt so much,
To worry about the one you love?
Is there a way to know,
To know what they truely feel,
Feel about you?
Or must we go on wondering,
"Do they truely love and care about me?"
Must we sit there and ask ourselves,
"Are they cheating or lying?
Are they being true to me?"
These are questions that have gone through all of our minds,
If not in the past,
But presently as well.
There are times when we hope and pray about the ones we love trying to tell ourselves,
"They would never do anything to hurt mr or decieve me."
But those hopes can turn around and prove us wrong.
We may wish on stars that things can last and be alright.
But as of right now,
What is running through my mind as I write this little poem,
Is that I hope that the man I am in love with will not,
End up hurting me.
For both he and I have gone though many relationships knowing:;
Pain, deciete, anger, rage, lies, cheating, and so many wasted days.
There are many things I wish to ask him,
But when I start to try and ask him I freeze up and never finish what I wish to say.
So here is to all that are like me,
Some words to you from a shy girl:
Follow your heart and soul,
Don't always believe what others say.
For you can never know the truth,
Unless you find your heart and your voice to be able to speak up and ask the person you are with.
So don't try and hide,
Or keep to yourself.
Get up and walk in the light and talk to others.
Have faith in yourself and in the one you love.
Well that is all I have to say and I hope that I have some how helped someone.
So just get out there and walk in the light with the one you care about and treasure.
Written on: 7/29/05
Written By: Jessica K.
Well there are some of my poems...I hope you have enjoyed them and I haven't bored you...
Please leave comments....many thanks....
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