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View User's Journal

my life
i don'tz have alot of moneyz for new stuffz
i could sellz my dowgz... but thatz why i gotz them
cuz i knowz i'm goin to keepz them.
i lovez giving giftz to my friendz (the onez on there wishlist)
it makez me feelz really goodz
but i thiz nice insidez in me haz to stop for alittle
right nowz as imz typingz this i have 1,836
becuz i've given 3 winter rosez (aboutz 2 monthz ago)
and a giftz to my friendz hiccupz (i boughtz her the hairz because i wanted to seez her wear itz
to feel the happyz i hear from herz)
i donated to my friendz zippy, not alotz of money but all the moneyz i have (i thinkz that waz 1k)
so... thiz giftz givingz haz to stopz
i have to savez up for newz itemz...