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Maybe Love and Loneliness

Hi everyone. Well you know that my girlfriend broke up with me and you know my best friend hates me and isn't my best friends any more. The both are the same. She liked me and I liked her a lot since we were little and I asked her out to see how it would turn out. Apparantely not good. Anyway I miss her as my best friend. I want to tell her so much but I can't and I really do still like her. The truth is she was more girlfriend twice. Last year we went out and we broke up and then this year we went out again and e broke up which is probably why she hates me. If you can please help. Give me some advice. please.


My brother got a kitten and he's never around to play or take care of him so I do and I love the kitten. It sleeps ith me and I play with it and my brother keeps calling stupid or a girl because I care about it so much.
I had a really nice necklace under my night table and someone took it. I know it was either my mom or my brother because my mom said she cleaned it under there and my brother was looking under there and I think took something. I was saving that necklace for someone but now I can't give it to her. Who do you think took it? please answer.


There's this person I met on gaia and she's really nice but recently two of her relatives passed away. I feel bad for her cause about 6 people I cared about passed away in the beginning of the year. Well I've tried talkin to her but she doesn't respond and I want to talk to her. I like talking to her. I think she hates me. What do you think?

The funny thing in all this is that usually in real life I give advice to everyone but on gaia I ask for the advice.

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Mon Dec 01, 2008 @ 01:38am

I think you worry too much about everyone else hating you. I'm a huge hypocrite, because I find myself wanting to be out of the way because I hate being bothersome to people or finding them annoyed with me. But you seem to be really self contious about it. The truth is, none of those people hate you.
Break ups are tough, but you get through them. You need to just give her some space until she's ready to talk to you. It would be good if you guys could go back to being friends and just stay that way for a while, but if for some reason she doesn't want to try and work it out, you have to be willing to accep that and continue to live your life and do things that make you happy. Like talking to people that make you happy and enjoy talking to you.
Sibblings are annoying. You know that youre not girly or stupid for caring about that kitten. I love taking care of animals, as do a lot of people. And its really nice of you to give it love because if not for you, it wouldnt be getting what it needed. Have you tried, without accusing, asking your brother if hes seen the necklace? It's possible that it's just lost, but it will turn up sooner or later. The more you keep your cool, the better things will turn out for you.
I wouldnt get too insecure about your gaian friend. People are really busy, especially during the school year. I know that I havent been on gaia in months. Life keeps you busy, but dont stress on it. Youre a very likable person when you let yourself be and your not too concerned with what everyone else thinks of you. Just be yourself.
Hope I could help =]

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