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DaViperDragon's Thoughts
This Journal is all about what i feel like writing at that moment.
Characters And Plots
i've been annoyed at the amount of people who keep complaining on how they can't come up with characters and plots. since i can easily come up with them even though most of them are ( males = "SHADE KINNEVE" ) and other things like that.

my problem is that i have issues of getting past introductions and 1st person stuff, as well as writing past the first chapter and a half.


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Community Member

Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 09:20pm

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses which, unfortunately, includes writing. Some writers are very skilled at creating characters but not plots. Others are the other way around. Some can just come up with characters/plots without even thinking.

For me, my biggest roadblock is, hands down, names. I don't *really* have a problem creating plots, I just have difficulties making one that I like. Characters are easy, especially back stories. smile I can create either male or female characters and give them a decent personality (I think...I could be biased as it's my own work/characters razz ). Just...don't ask me to name anyone/anything. <.< >.>

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