Italian Slang words B
baciare con la lingua exp. to French kiss; (lit.): to kiss with the tongue.
bagascia f. (pl. –sce) (vulgar) harlot, whore.
baldracca f. (vulgar) whore, slut.
bastardo a. b*****d, illegitimate; figlio bastardo illegitimate son.
battona f. (vulgar) prostitute, streetwalker.
beghina f. (pejorative) bigot.
belino m. (vulgar) p***s.
bidonare v.t. (vulgar) to cheat, to trick, to swindle.
bidonata f. (vulgar) swindle, trick; quel film è una bidonata that film is a swindle.
bidone m. swindle, trick; fare un bidone a qualcuno to swindle someone.
bidonista m./f. (vulgar) swindler, trickster, cheat.
bocchino v.t. (vulgar) to perform fellatio.
budella f.p. from budello (vulgar) empirsi le budella to fill one's belly, to stuff oneself.
busone m. (vulgar) passive male homosexual.
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