Just some of the stuff that runs through my head and opinions of others thoughts
Easier said then done
Ok this is for those who are stuck in that relationship that kills ya inside. Pack your stuff, and GO! Come on is the grown up act that good, where you can't move on. It is a lot easier to leave with a hurt heart than no heart at all. Yeah so you'll be alone, no biggie. Take that time to heal and figure out what went wrong so you know what not to do in your next serious relationship. So if you have a friend that keeps complaining about the way their relationship is going. Tell them to leave and heal in a polite way. If they make excuses and keep complaining long after you have offered to help the best way you know how. Tell them to build a bridge and get over it. Life is too short to spend it in misery. That is not how God intended us to live.
P.S. I give this thought from my own experience, not a text book dramatization. That is why it is easier said then done.