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Dark Poetry
italian slang words..

cacare v.t./i. (vulgar) to defecate; cacarsi addosso to defecate in one's pants.
cacarella f. (vulgar) diarrhea.
cacasenno (un/una) n. a know-it-all, a smart-a**; (lit.): one who [defecates] wisdom.
cacasentenze m./f. inv. one who likes to moralize, one who acts like he/she is very smart, a smart a**; (lit.): one who shits sentences.
cacasodo m./f. inv. an arrogant person, someone who thinks his/her [feces] doesn't stink; (lit.): one who defecates hard (from the verb cacare, meaning "to [defecate]" and the adjective sodo, meaning "tough" or "hard."
cacasotto m./f. inv. a very fearful person; (lit.): one who [defecates] down below.
cacatoio m. (vulgar) john, loo.
cacchio m. (vulgar) p***s.
cafone s.m. (f. -a) (pejorative) boor, ill-mannered person.
cavolo (vulgar) non me ne importa un cavolo! I don't give a damn about it!; (vulgar) testa di cavolo blockhead.
cazzata (vulgar) bloody nonsense.
cazzo (vulgar) term for p***s.
cazzone (vulgar) term for p***s.
ceffo m. jerk; (lit.): big "d**k".
cesso m. (vulgar) public washroom.
chiavare v.t. (trivial) to have sexual intercourse.
chiavata f. (vulgar) to have sexual intercourse.
cioccie f.p. (vulgar) breasts.
ciucca m. (vulgar) drunkenness.
coglione m. (vulgar) testicle; rompere i coglioni a qualcuno to break someone's [testicles].
cornuto m. (vulgar) deceived partner; (generic insult) cuckolded.
cosina veloce (una) f. a quickie; (lit.): a quick little thing.
culata f. (vulgar) shove or bump with the behind.
culo m. (vulgar) buttocks.

User Comments: [2]
II Umami II
Community Member

Sat May 31, 2008 @ 05:22am

good thing im italian. lol

Community Member

Sat May 31, 2008 @ 05:51am

cacasenno (un/una) n. a know-it-all, a smart-a**; (lit.): one who [defecates] wisdom.

it's me. i s**t wisdom domokun

User Comments: [2]