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(Hehehe...I actually got this from a nickelodeon show "growing up creepie" wink

A girl named Tabitha loved photography
Sadly, she had nothing to take a picture with Tabitha

But nobody knew why she loved photography.

One night
She went to the park to take some pics

She sighed in saddness since she had nothing to take pics with
So she went to the cementary

While she was walking ind passed by her
and she heard a mysterious voice that said "Tabitha follow the wind..."

Tabitha then followed the and the wind took her into various places with wonderful sights

She thought "I never thought the cementary was a nice place to take pics with and pictures...are wonderful"

And thats why Tabithaloved photogtraphy

i heart CATS :3
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Max must fulfill her questy or else people will suffer. :3 Nao, if I were you, I'd donate >3