This is where all my thoughts, feelings, and random information will go.
He made my heart all mushy.
He's trying to pick a gift out for me... Earrings, necklace, or a ring. This is what he said: I say stupid things, this kind of sounds stupid... But I think a necklace would be best. Sine it's closer to your heart and that's where I always want to be. I'm pretty sure that's what I want to get you now. A little while later: But you would kill me or only tease me if I gave you something that even came close to you. Because you're worth the world to me and you're worth more than all the things I could ever buy for you.
n_n I already posted on this one in teh other journal. Buh n_n I promise I'll get try to get you everything you could ever want. n_n Buh I'll try not to spoil you also x: