Earth has 4 simultaneous Days within only 1 rotation. Losing 3 Days in each Earth rotation has retarded your mentality to stupid and an education of Evil. You do not have the mind or education to envision Nature's Time Cube. Proving Human Stupidity Revelations 7.1 recognizes 4 Earth Corners.
3 EQUATOR 4 CORNER EARTH TIME ROTATES 96 HOURS AS A SIMULTANEOUS 4 DAY CUBE. YOU WERE TAUGHT THAT THE EARTH HAS ONLY ONE EQUATOR AS IF THE EARTH WAS FLAT. YOU WERE TAUGHT IGNORANCE CREATION HAS TWO SEX POLES & 4 CORNER RACES OF HUMANS. GOD IS CORNERED AS A QUEER. GENE RAY, CUBIC. You Word-Murder Your Children. Human metamorphosis has 4-corner lifetime stages known as baby,child, parent and grandparent. Bible-god equates 1-corner and bare Earth for children. 4-corner Truth is ineffable and no self or god can speak Truth. Only baby is born.Adult is not born. Without metamorphosis - no adults. If Earth stood still, it would have mid-day, mid-night, sun-up and sun-down as 4 corners. Each rotation of earth has 4 mid-days, 4 mid-nights, 4 sun-ups and 4 sun-downs. The sixteen(16) space times demonstrates cube proof of 4 full days simultaneously on earth within one (1) rotation. The academia created 1 day greenwich time is bastardly queer and dooms future youth and nature to a hell. Ignorance of 4 day harmonic cubic nature indicts humans as unfit to live on earth. Gene Ray, Cubic The Wisest Human I will give $1,000.00 to any person who can disprove 4 days in each earth rotation. It's a pity that religious and academic word is a crime against Nature and enslaves Children. 4-cornered Truth is ineffable by man or god. Until Word is Cornered, all Math is Fiction. Socrates has a mid-day Clinton's have a sun-down Einstein has a mid-night Jesus has a sun-up (Harmonic Cube) 1 - 24HR Earth Day Rotate Earth 1/4 turn Socrates has a sun-down Clinton's hve a mid-night Einstein has a sun-up Jesus has a midday. Socrates has a mid-night Clinton's have a sun-up Einstein has a mid--day Jesus has a sun-down 1 - 24HR Earth Day Rotate Earth 1/4 turn Socrates has a sun-up Clinton's have a mid-day Einstein has a sun-down Jesus has a mid-night 1 - 24HR Earth Day Rotate Earth 1/4 turn Greenwich Time is a Lie. Your midday is someone else's midnight, someone else's sundown and even someone else's sunup. Do you know that time is a simultaneous 4 corner square that rotates to a 4 day time cube within 1 - 24 hour rotation of Earth? You are educated stupid and unable to know Nature's 4-Day Time Cube Creation.
I keep hoping that this is an out of work comedian. Anywho, I'm currently studying this mans theory and have so far deemed him nothing more than a hate monger. Another over educated asshat that damns us all for our beliefs, whatever they may be, and instead forces his own ideals for us to accept...or we're ignorant Word Monkeys.