My Name is Christiansen Arce |
My common nickname is Chris for short
I am 17 Years Old
I have brown eyes, with an almost invisible hint of my father's hazel
My hair is uncannily jet black
My skin has a light tan
I was raised Catholic Christian
I'm 5'4'' as of now
I weigh 107 lbs. as of now
I'm very fond of music from previous generations, it makes me nostalgic for a time when things were simpler.
I'm very passive
My favorite term is Catch-22, the paradoxes make me absolutely giddy. Here's an example: A U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier wishes to be excused from combat flight duty. In order to be excused from such duty, he must submit an official medical diagnosis from his squadron's flight surgeon, demonstrating that he is unfit because he is insane. However, according to Army regulations, any sane person would naturally not want to fly combat missions because they are so dangerous. By requesting permission not to fly combat missions, on the grounds of insanity, the bombardier demonstrates that he is in fact sane and therefore is fit to fly. Conversely, any flyer who wished to fly on combat runs implicitly demonstrated that he was insane and was unfit to fly and ought to be excused, and to be excused this person would only need to submit a request. Naturally, such flyers never submitted such requests. Of course, if they did, the "Catch" would assert itself, short-circuiting any such attempt to escape from combat duty.
I tend to call people I feel I know well by a nickname; even if they don't have one; dear, love, sweetie for women, champ, chief, sir, etc for men
On that note I don't know a great amount of people to be honest.
My self-deprivation of sleep is beginning to catch up to me, I am starting to see hints of darkness under my eyes. Yet I still deprive myself of that vital action called sleep.
The only thing I drink is water, I have a shelf of the fridge full of it, look at me! Look at me! My piss has no color!
I have enrolled into a post-school, paid the application fee, have been accepted, but I am still unsure about what I want to do about my future.
By reading this I have pushed out some of your old information from your brain and replaced it with this pointless junk. Sorry.
Of those I know in the various sites on the internet, the one I trust the most is on this site. I feel that person knows who s/he is.

Treaking Fypo · Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 02:04am · 0 Comments |