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Nyranon-kitty lover's journal!!!!
1.How many letters are there in your name? 7
2. Do you have a nickname? unfortunately, yes
3. Does it have more or less letters than your name? less
4. Is this quiz good so far?sure
5. Do you like your name? love it
6. How about your middle name? hate it
7.Do you know what your name means? nooo idea!
8. Are you willing to continue the quiz? sure
9. If you hate your name, what would you change it to? If you love it, good for you smile I like my name...if anything else, it would be Cat
10. Does it match who you are? yep
11. Do you like Gaia?yes!
12. You hang out here on Gaia a lot?yep
13. Is this thread boring? nope, not really
14. Have you donated to Gaia? nope
15. Do you like real money or gold better?real money!!
16. Is your gold shiny? booya, `cha!
17. What's your favorite coin? dollar coin
18. Do you have a job? no
19. What is it? none
20. What's your dream job?author
21. Are pens cool?totally
22. Mouse or key?mouse
23. Do you watch Inuyasha?yep
24. Are you bored?nope
25. Do you live close to water?...sorta
26. What kind of water? (eg, river, lake, ocean)lake
27. Do you live near mountains? yep
28. Which ones? appalachian
29. Do you live near a geographical thing of any sort?...no, not really
30. What is it?none
31. Are you going to continue with the quiz?of course
32. Are your parents strict? OH YA
33. Are the the youngest, oldest, or middle child?middleT.T
34. Which would you like to be? ...only child
35. How many cousins do you have? 6
36. Have you met all your cousins? yep, unfortunately
37. Do you get along with them? no
38. Do they live near you? no, thnkfully
39. Do you have large family functions?nope
40. Would you like to have large family functions more often/at all? NO!
41. Do you live with your parents? yes
42. If not, do you live with anyone? yes
43. If yes, do you get along? yes
44. Who would you like to live with? friends
45. If you had to share a house/condo/apartment with someone famous, who would it be? ... um...Amy Lee
46. Would you live in a camping van?NO
47. Is this quiz boring you? nope
48. Would you live in a castle? yes
49. Would you live in a cottage? yes
50. Which would you rather live in, out of those four?castle
51. Do you have a crush on anybody?yep
52. Are you lonely?nope
53. Do you need more friends? no, im good
54. Are you a private person?farely
55. Do you like lemon pies?nope
56. Is life cruel?only to wuses
57. Do you know anybody that's emo?yep
58. Are you with anyone right now? yep
59. Are you a homebody? yep
60. Do you have chores? HELL YES
61. What are they? laundry, vacuuming, cleaning room, kitchen dishes, dusting...etc.
62. Do you enjoy doing them?noT.T
63. What's your least favourite chore? all of em...kitchen
64. Do you like dusting? nope
65. Do you ever dust? yep
66. Are there dust bunnies in your house? yep
67. Do they have faces? yep...kinda creepy
68. Names? ...yes...-.-
69. Do you have pets?yep<3
70. Are you going to continue?yep
71. How much gold do you have? 7,772g
72. If not, would you like to have pets? i have em
73. Is there a reason that you don't have them? And what is it?no, b/c i do have em
74. Do you like animals?love em
75. Do you prefer domestic or wild animals?domestic
76. Are animals... cool?totally
77. Do animals make you crazy?yep
78. Do you have an imaginary friend?yep...
79. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?yep
80. Was it male or female? male
81. Was was his/her/it's name? Mr.Fussen-Kussen
82. Was it a better friend than your real friends? naaah!
83. Do you have real friends? yes!
84. Do you actually like your friends?yep
85. Do you think they like you? LOVE MEH!
86. Do you fight ever? yep
87. Is there lots of drama?nah
88. Do you have a best friend?totally
89. If so, how long have you know them?4 years
90. Have you always been friends? ...since then
91. Do all your friends know each other? yep..oh, wait...no
92. Where have you met your friends? school, neighborhood
93. Do you have enemies? yep
94. Are they real or imaginary enemies?real
95. Why are they your enemies? b/c they're bitches/sons-of-bitches
96. Did you ever pretend to be a superhero when you were little? lol, yep
97. Do you still pretend to be a superhero? ...yep^.^
98. Are you, in fact, a superhero? totally
99. If you were/are one, what's your name? catwoman
100. Or is that secret? complete secret...dont tell anyone

101. Type a random letter. F
102. Type any word that begins with the letter you typed on question 101. FUDGE

103. What are you doing right now? watchin starwars
104. What should you be doing? homework
105. Does food sound good?totally
106. Are you going to continue the quiz? yep
107. What's the scariest household appliance?oven, microwave, heater, ...all things hot
108. Have you ever used a saw? yes, indeeedy
109. Have you ever used a shovel? yep
110. Which would you rather receive as a birthday gift?saw
111. Who are you most likely to receive it from? my best pal/other half
112. Do you write thank you cards? yep
113. Is this quiz getting annoying?nope
114. Are you still going to continue?yep
115. Do you feel weird?always
116. Are questions retarded?not at all
117. Do you use spell check? yep
118. How do you feel about dictionaries? love em, read em, sleep with em
119. Thesauruses? love em, read...etc
120. Do you care if you mispell things?sometimes
121. Do you make fun of people for spelling mistakes?yep
122. Do you judge people for them? yep
123. What do you judge people on? personality,intelligence
124. What do you judge yourself on? personality, intelligence....my lousy apearance
125. What's your best feature? my a**!>.<
126. Which feature could use some work? ...um...T.T my chest
127. Are you happy with yourself? nooooooT.T
128. Are you happy? very
129. At this exact moment, how do you feel?...depressed, b/c of those damn Q's!!
130. Do you know about "I" statements? ...possibly...
131. Do you hate "I" statements? ...sure
132. Have you ever used one? ...probably
133. Did it work? ...sure
134. Have you ever been camping?unfortunately, yes
135. Have you ever been to camp? yes...
136. Which would you rather do? camp
137. Have you been a camp counselor?yep
138. Would you like to be? i was, but never again!
139. If you were, was there an initiation? yep
140. What was it? life-gaurd testing
141. Did it involve chocolate pudding?totally
142. Are you allergic to chocolate pudding? no, thanx god
143. Do you like chocolate? YES
144. Are you allergic to anything?nope
145. If so, what? none
146. How do you get around it?i dont hafta
147. Do you eat healthy food or junk food?junk
148. Do you eat too much, too little, or just enough? too...little...much...off and on
149. Is your porridge too hot, too cold, or just right? JUUUUST RIIIGHT
150. Do you even eat porridge? yep
151. How do you feel about fairy tales?love em, write em...
152. What is your favorite fairy tale? hansel and gretel
153. Do you only know fairy tales because of Disney? noo...
154. What's your favorite nursery rhyme? little miss muffit
155. Post part of it. little miss muffit sat down on her tuffit...
156. Do you know any? yep
157. Do you keep a journal?yep
158. Do you keep a journal on Gaia?sorta
159. How many journals do you have? several
160. What do you usually write about? stuff...life...school
161. Do you write poetry? yep
162. Would you call yourself a poet?yep
163. Do you consider your poetry to be good?yep
164. Do you like to read poetry? yep
165. If so why? b/c its good, sometimes
166. If not, why not? i do
167. What's your favorite poem?Annabel Lee by edgar Allen Poe
168. What's your least favorite poem? amatuerish ones
169. Have you visited all the forums? nope
170. If you haven't, which ones haven't you been to?all of em 'cept chatterbox
171. Do you think you'll ever visit them? prob not
172. What's your favorite forum? chatterbox
173. Why? b/c its random
174. Why are you on Gaia?b/c im the quing of it
175. Why are you on Gaia right now? b/c im bored
176. Why are you taking this quiz? b/c im bored
177. Why are trees green? b/c I peed on em
178. Are trees green? nope, they're yellow
179. Would you bite a leaf in order to save a cookie?totally
180. What is the strangest thing you've ever been asked? ...'are you okay?'
181. How did you respond? 'DUH, im not...dipshit'
182. Which is the better word, no or yes? no
183. Which is clearer, number one or number two?numbah 3
184. Do you know the order of letters on the eyesight test thingy?...nope!
185. Do you know what it's called? noooo
186. Do you wear glasses? only when i steal Laura's!!!
187. Do you wear contacts? nooo
188. If you wear contacts, do you have colored contacts?i wish
189. What color contacts would you like to have? green
190. Do you wish there was a way to permanently change your eye colour?yes
191. What color are your eyes? blueT.T
192. What color are your eyes on Gaia?blueT.T
193. Do you believe that eyes are the window to the soul?totally
194. Do people ever look deeply into your eyes? yes
195. Does it make you uncomfortable? no, not at all
196. How do you feel about mirrors? i love em.they are a girl's best friend
197. How about standing between two mirrors? sure...i guess
198. Are you superstitious? nope, only for fun
199. What is your favorite superstition? hold ur breath while goin past graveyards
200. How many do you know? alot
201. Are dragons real?totally
202. Did you know that this is my 3rd favorite number?really now?fascinating
203. Do you like urban legends? sure
204. Do you believe them? not really
205. Has any of them ever happened to you? naaaah
206. Anyone you know? ...not that i know of
207. Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes
208. Do basements scare you? ...i live in the basement...so, no
209. How about dark basements? i live in a dark basement...no
210. At night? still livig there then too...no
211. Alone? Im always alone at night... ninja no
212. What scares you the most? ...being left
213. Does anyone know? ....well, i suppose if someone reads this, they will
214. Have you ever had to face up to it? ...yesT.T
215. Why does it scare you? b/c it hurts
216. Do you have a psychologist? NO
217. Did I get the name right there? sure
218. Would you ever tell them your fear?no
219. Do psychologists scare you? yes, theyre lame
220. Do you want to be one? no
221. Are you one and just keeping it quiet?suuure
222. If you were one, and went through trauma, would go see another?lol,no
223. Do you have a psychology? ...no?
224. What do you think of physiotherapists?i thinks theyre weird
225. Chiropractors? laaaame
226. Pediatrics? ew...
227. Paleontologists? coolio
228. What is a paleontologist?bone studiers(fossils)
229. Do you want to be one? sure
230. Have you ever studied dinosaurs? yes
231. Why do you think they died out? b/c they're stupid
232. Do you wish they were still around? NO
233. Have you ever been to a museum and seen dinosaur bones?yep
234. Have you ever found a dinosaur bone? lol,no
235. What's your favorite dinosaur? phylosoraptor
236. What do you know about brontosauruses? they have lumps on their head
237. What is the plural of brontosaur? ...brontosauri
238. What would happen if a tyrannosaurus rex fell over?it would be in trouble
239. Do you know the name of the bird thing in the rock? bird thing?...no
240. Where was it discovered? nooo idea
241. Do you even know what I'm talking about? nope!
242. If you could be a dinosaur, which kind would you be?tyranisoarus REX
243. Are you interested in geriatrics? sure...
244. Have you had braces? nope
245. If not, are you going to have to have them?...yes, but im not gunna
246. Do you have fangs? totally
247. If you don't, would you like to have fangs? i do have em
248. Would you let an orthodontist get rid of your fangs? NO
249. Do you believe in vampires? yep, love em
250. Do you believe that you are a vampire? yep, love me
251. What do you think of people that think they are vampires?lame
252. Do you like the concept, vampire? totally
253. What powers do vampires have? flying, speed, extras, perfection, it goes on foreeeeever...<3 4laugh
254. Are you a werewolf? nope, ew
255. Would you like to be a werewolf?no,ew
256. Do you think it's possible to be a werewolf? no,ew
257. What powers do werewolves have? being ewwy
258. Which is better, vampires or werewolves? VAMPIRES
259. What other creatures of darkness are there? ghosts,ghouls,halfbreeds, etc...
260. Do you believe any of them are real? yep
261. Have you read any of Beowulf? no
262. Do you know the story? no
263. Do you think it could be real?no
264. Do you think Grendel is a pretty name? no, its fugly
265. Did you know there's a movie in production? no
266. Do you know who's cast as Beowulf? no
267. If you didn't know, will you check? no
268. If yes, where will you check? no
269. If you know who's cast as Beowulf, are you excited?no
270. Do you like the Phantom of the Opera? YES!
271. Have you seen the show? yes
272. Have you read the book? yes
273. If you have, which do you like better?movie
274. Have you read or written any fanfics? yep
275. Do you like musicals? no,not normally
276. Which is your favorite?PHANOTOM OF THE OPERA
277. Why do you like it so much? b/c its beautiful
278. Do you hate musicals? normally
279. Have you ever been forced to sit through one?yes.T.T
280. If you could only see one musical, which one would it be?phantom of the opera
281. If you had to erase one musical from the course of history, which one would it be? High school musical 1,2,3
282. If you could erase one thing, any one thing, from history, what would it be? high school musical 1,2,3
283. Why did you pick that?b/c its so DISCUSTING
284. What would the ideal effects of that be? a better, more peaceful world
285. What do you think would happen if you really got the chance to do it? the world would try and stop me
286. Do you know when the garbage can was invented?2067
287. Do you care? yes, its important history
288. Would you like to be able to time travel?yes
289. Are you keeping secrets about your washing machine?yes...
290. If you could travel around in time, when would you go? I would...go back to 8th grade
291. If you had to travel in time and live in that time forever, which time would you rather live in?now
292. Would you be rich?nope
293. What would be the worst thing about living in that time?having to still go through all the current arragance,stupidity, and lameness
294. The best? ...being with the one I love
295. Do you think time travel will ever be invented?yes
296. If yes, do you realize what that could mean? yes
297. Do you own a flashlight? yes
298. Aren't they fun? totally
299. What's are very small flashlights called?mini muffins
300. Have you ever shone one into your eyes?yep
301. How much gold do you have?7,772
302. Are you getting tired of this quiz? nope

Name something you can see that is...
303. Red the cancel button
304. Blue the preview button
305. Green the comp background
306. Yellow the smilies
307. Orange my robe
308. Purple my robe
309. Black my nightgown
310. White my skin
311. Grey ...my skin
312. Pink my robe
313. Brown my dad's hair
314. Small my kitty
315. Large my doggy
316. Ugly my brother
317. Pretty my reflection<3 lol, jk...my kitty
318. Plastic comp screen
319. Metal tv
320. Wood table
321. Glass top
322. Liquid milk
323. Solid glass
324. Gas. my bro's fart
325. Sparkly my nails
326. Boring this movie
327. Stupid my brother
328. Interesting this quiz
329. New my ring
330. Ancient my other ring
331. Yours my rings
332. Someone else's my other ring
333. Special my rings
334. Broken my nail
335. Fixed my necklace
336. Important my rings
337. Typed this quiz
338. Silly this quiz
339. Fun this quiz?
340. Dirty my mind
341. Clean not my mind...my hands?
342. Light the kitchen
343. Dark this room
344. On the lights
345. Off the lights
346. Noisy the tv
347. Quiet the dog O.O
348. Alive the dog, cat, me, bro
349. Dead ...petunias
350. Inanimate table

How many ___ do you have?
351. Books too many to count
352. DVD's too many to count
353. Videos too many to count
354. Shoes pairs:4 1/2 shoes:9
355. Shirts alot
356. Pants 7
357. Skirts 8
358. CD's alot
359. Records alot
360. Tapes alot
361. Boxes alot
362. Posters 7
363. Towels 8
364. Cars 2
365. Pillows 8
366. Pencils alot, not enough
367. Pens alot, not enough
368. Computers 8
369. Earrings alot
370. Other rings ALOT
371. Keys 1
372. Homework assignments ...T.T 3
373. Classes 8
374. Feet 3
375. Tools alot
376. Bathrooms 2
377. Showers 2
378. Flowers none T.T
379. Tissues alot
380. Instruments 6
381. Scars ...alot
382. Freckles not many
383. Fan clubs lol...not much, im sure
384. Magazines 3
385. Wishes more than anyone can count
386. Lipsticks 9
387. Alarm clocks 3
388. Lamps 1
389. Scissors 1
390. Phones 2
391. Light switches 1
392. Appliances alot
393. Bills not enough
394. windows 11
395. Plants 3
396. Secrets alot
397. Hiding spots alot
398. Gaia mules lol...um...some?

399. Will you continue the quiz? sure
400. Why? b/c i have nothing else to do
401. Type GaiaOnline in seperate posts....no
402. How much gold do you have? 7,772
403. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend (if not, please consider the next questions to be hypothetical and answer them anyway)yes
404. So, would that be a boyfriend, or a girlfriend? boyfriend
405. Would you consider the other? (eg, girlfriend if you have a boyfriend)NO!
406. Is it a long term relationship or a short term one? ...i hope a long term
407. Does your significant other know? yes?
408. Is it casual or serious? casual
409. Does your s.o. think it is? sure, yes
410. How long have you been together? 5 months O.O
411. How long do you think it will last? ...longer, hopefully
412. How long do you want it to last? ...a long time
413. What's the best thing you've ever done for them? i dunno...loved them?
414. What's the best thing they've ever done for you? loved me
415. What's so great about them? smart, funny, amazing...i hope hes not reading this
416. What do they see in you?i really,truly, honestly DONT KNOW
417. How did it start? meeting as friends
418. Have you always liked them? ...-^.^- yes
419. Do you see fat bouncing babies in the offing? O.O woah!...not really...
420. Or are they already there? WOAH! O.O no, not really...
421. If they are, how old are they? WOAH! O.O stop with the kid Q's
422. What do you disagree on? ...um...almost everything
423. How do you deal with that? agree to disagree
424. Is it a long distance relationship? nope
425. If so, have you ever met them in real life?its not
426. If not, would you continue the relationship if one of you moved away?yep
427. Are you okay with PDA? PDA? possibly
428. What do your friends think of them? ...i dunno
429. Are they more important than your friends? no?
430. Is there anyone besides your current partner you'd like to go out with?NO
431. Would you tell them? no, i dont have someone else
432. If you have not a bf/gf, do you want one? ihave ooone! <3
433. Or are you happy being single? i have one!!<3
434. Is there anyone you'd like to go out with? Id like to go out with who i already am dating
435. What would you do if your partner cheated on you? ...cry...
436. What would you do if you cheated on your partner? kill myself!!
437. What do you consider to be cheating? flirting,kissing, etc any other person
438. Are you jealous? yes...
439. How do you feel about polygamy?NO NO NO NO
440. Have you ever had a relationship you regret? ...yes
441. Why do you regret it? b/c...he was..not the best for me.
442. What would you do differently? not...date him?
443. What do you wish you could change about your current relationship?add more hugs and kisses <3
444. If you're not in a relationship, what would you not want in one?i am in one
445. If smoking then breath mints? no
446. If smoking than perfume? no
447. How much could/can you forgive? i can forgive anything after a while
448. Are relationships important to you? yes, very
449. Why? because they're what makes me human
450. What's the most important thing about your relationship? being with the one i love

(These next questions have nothing to do with relationships unless you want them to. Pick one and type it in your post.)

451. Drama or no drama?no drama
452. Screens or no screens? screens
453. Drinking or no drinking? no drinking
454. Smoking or no smoking? no smoking
455. School or no school? school
456. Work or no work? no work
457. Sleep or no sleep? sleep
458. Music or no music? music
459. Perfume or no perfume? perfume
460. Cologne or no cologne? colgne
461. Deodorant or no deodorant? deodorant
462. Sports or no sports? no sports
463. Taxes or no taxes? no taxes
464. Compost or no compost? compost
465. Guns or no guns? no guns
466. Drugs or no drugs? no drugs
467. Pollen or no pollen? no pollen
468. Trees or no trees? trees
469. Fax or no fax? no fax
470. Birthdays or no birthdays?birthdays
471. Clouds or no clouds? clouds
472. Doors or no doors? doors
473. Polls or no polls? polls
474. Gum or no gum? gum
475. Hairspray or no hairspray?no hairspray
476. Accessories or no accessories? accessory
477. Gold or no gold? gold
478. Snow or no snow? snow
479. Sprinklers or no sprinklers?sprinklers
480. Parks or no parks? parks
481. Pills or no pills? no pills
482. Doctors or no doctors? doctors
483. Company or no company? company
484. Toys or no toys? toys
485. Electricity or no electricity?electricity
486. Pepper or no pepper? pepper
487. Spices or no spices? spices
488. Bra or no bra? bra...PLEASE
489. Bugs or no bugs? no bugs
490. Signature or no signature?signature
491. End or no end? no end
492. Dishwasher or no dishwasher?dishwasher
493. Summer or no summer? no summer
494. Recycle or no recycle? recycle
495. Fries or no fries? fries
496. Ketchup or no ketchup?ketchup
497. Patio or no patio? patio
498. Questions or no questions? Q's
499. Socks or no socks? sox
500. Gloves or no gloves?gloves

501. Are you proud? totally
502. Do you know why you should be?b/c im fugly
503. What time is it now? 7;25 pm
504. How long has it taken you to get this far?hour
505. How many breaks have you taken? 1
506. How many unwelcome interruptions have their been?1
507. What is in front of you? comp
508. What is behind you? couch arm
509. What's to your left? tv
510. Can you guess what question's coming next?what kinda monkey do u love?
511. What's to you right? oh...couch cushion
512. Were you right? no..T.T
513. What's above you? ceiling
514. What's under you? couch
515. Where are you in relation to the bathroom? nope
516. The kitchen? yep
517. The front door? yep
518. The street? nope
519. What's the nearest gas station?miles away
520. What's the nearest food store? just in front of the gas station
521. What's the nearest mail box? down my driveway
522. Do you care? nope
523. Do you ever write letters? yep
524. Do you like getting mail? yep
525. What sort of mail do you usually get?magazines, letters from pen pal
526. Do you prefer letters, phone calls or emails? phone calls
527. Why? b/c then u can do other things while talking
528. How often do you use the phone? at least once a day
529. Do you have your own phone? yes
530. Do you have a cell phone? yes
531. Do you have to pay your own phone bills?yes
532. Do you ever call long distance? yes
533. If you do, where do you call? germany, california
534. Have you ever dialed the wrong number? yes
535. Who were you intending to call? my friend
536. Have you ever had to tell someone they had the wrong number?yes
537. Do you get lots of those? yes
538. Do you ever get the wrong person's mail?yes
539. What do you do about it if you do? I read it
540. Have you ever opened someone else's mail?yes
541. Have you ever snooped in someone else's email?yes
542. Who's email would you like to snoop in? my bo's
543. Why? b/c it would be fascinatin
544. Is there anyone you wish would snoop in yours?...no?
545. What would you do if you found out someone had? ...kill em
546. What if it was a friend? kill em
547. A family member? kill em
548. You're psychiatrist? kill em
549. Would you ever give out your password?yes
550. To anything? yes
551. Do you have a bank card?nope
552. If so, have you ever lost it? nope
553. Have you ever had money stolen?yes
554. Have you ever stolen any money? yes
555. Have you ever found a wallet? yes
556. If so did you return it? no
557. If not, would you return it?no
558. In tact? no
559. What would make you steal?money
560. Is there any circumstance that would make you kill someone?yes
561. What would it be? me bein angry at em
562. Can you speak more than one language?several
563. What are they? german, english, latin
564. What else would you like to be able to speak?japanese
565. Is English your first language? yes
566. What language do you speak at home?german, english
567. At school? english
568. Do you know any sign language?yes
569. If you do, what? apple, cookie, letters...
570. If you had to lose one of your senses but got to pick which one, which would it be? sight
571. How would you function without it?seeing dog, help from friends
572. Have you ever played the blindfold game? yes
573. Has anyone ever walked you into a tree? yesT,T
574. Have you ever walked into a door? yes
575. A signpost? yes
576. Have you ever had to use crutches? yes
577. Would you like to have to use crutches? ...sure
578. What do you think about casts? stupid, bulky
579. Band-Aids? pointless
580. Do you prefer beige band aids or fluorescent ones?fluorescent
581. Are you fond of rubber duckies? totally
582. Have you ever heard that song? sure...
583. Who sings it? nooo idea
584. Mukluks? no
585. Are you paying attention?not really
586. Do you lie? yep
587. Are you lying now?yep
588. Are you sure? totally
589. Does honey go moldy?no
590. Does margarine? yes
591. Do you get migraines?yep...ew
592. If so, what do you do about them?clean them often so they dont get moldy
593. Do you have back pain? no
594. Back problems? no
595. Do you have any chronic diseases? yep
596. Are you sick? no
597. Have you ever been to the hospital?yes
598. Were you born in a hospital? yes
599. Have you ever had a blood test? yes
600. What do you think about blood tests?suck
601. Post your three favorite smileys. You can do it in one post if you like. blaugh whee 4laugh
602. Post your three least favorite smileys. You can also do that in one post, if you want. exclaim cheese_whine idea
603. Are you going to go on? yes
604. How mjuch gold do you have? 7,772
605. What questions would you like answered? all of em
606. Why? b/c im greedy with my knowledge
607. If you could speak to animals for a day, what would you say?hello
608. Would you write a book about your experience? yes
609. Would you document your experience in any way? yes
610. If you did, would you try to convince people that it had really happened? naaah
611. Would you try to find out why it happened?sure
612. What's the weather like where you are? cold, nice
613. What's the weather usually like where you are? warm, icky
614. Would you like to be outside right now? yes
615. If so, why are you inside? b/c im doin thi quiz
616. Or are you? i am
617. What are you sitting on? my toosh
618. What are you wearing? nightgown,robe
619. If you were to walk into a room full of people that didn't know you, what you want the first thing they thought about you to be?shes weird
620. What's the first thing you notice about people? theyre appearance, DUH
621. Is that good or bad? bad
622. Do you like people? nope
623. Do people like you? sure
624. Is there anything you like better than people?yes
625. What is it? kitties!<3
626. Could you ever be a hermit?sure
627. If you had to be, what kind of hermit would you be?hermit crab
628. Do you want to be famous? sure
629. What do you want to be famous for?author
630. What do you want to do? be an author

631. Jell-O or Kool-Aid?koolaid
632. Soft or hard? soft
633. Milk or water? milk
634. Sleep or food? fooooood
635. Sleep or tv? sleep
636. Walking or driving?walkin
637. Crayons or pencil crayons?colored pencils
638. Pencil crayons or felts? felts
639. Felts or paint? paint
640. Paint or chalk? chalk
641. Paper or cloth? cloth
642. Cotton or spandex? spandex
643. Soap or bleach? bleach
644. Bubbles or candy? candy!!!
645. Candy or meat? candy!!!
646. Cardboard or plastic? plastic
647. Yes or no? no
648. Truth or dare?dare
649. Socks or hats? socks
650. Bicycles or unicycles?bicycles
651. Dragons or unicorns? dragons
652. Dragons or dinosaurs? dragons
653. Batman or Godzilla? dragons...lol,no...godzilla
654. Spiderman or Mothra? spiderman
655. The Hulk or Mr. Clean? mr.clean
656. Mr. Clean or you? me
657. Beyonce or Madonna?madonna
658. Greenday or Coldplay? greenday
659. CSI or Crossing Jordan? csi
660. Simpsons or Futurama? simpsons
661. Catfood or garbage? catfood
662. Mittens or snowpants? snowpants
663. Pavlov or pavlova? pavlova
664. Forks or fingers? fingers
665. Chopsticks or forks? chopsticks
666. Demons or devils? demons
667. Chopsticks or fingers? fingers
668. Scary Movie or Scream? scream
669. Scary Movie or Not Another Teen Movie?not another teenage movie
670. Chick flicks or Date Movie? ...ew...both of em
671. Gas or electricity? electricity
672. Fluffy or silky? silky
673. Satin or velvet? satin
674. T-shirts or blouses? t-shirts
675. Suits or dresses? suits
676. Computers or cars? comps
677. Baseball or hockey? hockey
678. Lacross or hocky? hockey
679. Baseball or football? baseball
680. Football or soccer? soccer
681. Soccer or rugby? soccer
682. Scotch tape or duct tape?duct tape
683. Classical music or rock? rock
684. Rock or rap? rock
685. Classical or rap? classical
686. Harlequin romance or comics? comics
687. Sudoku or crosswords? crosswords
688. Hangman or Scrabble? hangman
689. Color-by-numbers or connect-the-dots?color by number
690. Lilo or Stitch? stitch
691. Foot cream or hand cream? hand cream
692. Umbrellas or hoodies? hoodies
693. On or off? off
694. New or used?used
695. Panic or stress? panic
696. Work or school? school
697. Physics or Sewing? physics
698. Sand or rocks? sand
699. Cold or hot? cold
700. Yours or theirs? mine

701. Type the word for a color in a different color. white
702. Will you go on? yes
703. Have you ever played Scrabble?yes
704. Are you good at it? yes
705. What's the best word you've ever spelled?dictionary
706. Are you good with words? yes
707. If not do you wish you were? i am
708. Are you clever? yes
709. Are you smart? yes
710. What's a word you hate?um
711. What bugs you the most? all
712. Do you ever pretend you can purr?yes
713. Do you wish you had a tail? yes!!T.T
714. Do you have a tail on Gaia? yep
715. Do you wish that you had something your avvi does?yep
716. Do you actually own anything your avvi does? yes
717. How long is your hair? LONG
718. How long are your eyelashes?...i dunno
719. Have you ever measured them? nope
720. Do you wish on eyelashes that fall out?noo....
721. Do you get your eyebrows shaped? ...no?
722. Why? b/c i dont care
723. How much do you pay for it?i dont
724. Do commercials work on you? nope
725. About how many do you see in a day?10
726. Do you know the difference between a quiz and a survey?yes
727. Explain it. quizess are fun, surveys are forced
728. Have you ever conducted a survey? yes
729. What was it about? boyfriend Q's
730. Have you ever participated in a survey? yes
731. If not would you? i did
732. If you did, are you glad you did?no
733. If you were to give someone advice about going to your school, what would it be? there is no pool on the third floor
734. Do your fingers obey you? sometimes... ninja
735. How fast can you type? pretty damn fast
736. Are you good with a computer? yep
737. Have you ever made a website? nope
738. Have you ever made a computer? yep
739. If not, would you like to? i have
740. If you can't, do you want to learn how?i know how to
741. Do you spend more time on the computer or watching tv? comp
742. On the computer or with friends? with friends
743. Do you read? yes
744. Why? b/c theres interesting things in books
745. What's the best thing you've ever read? twilight
746. The worst? to kill a mockingbird
747. Do you care what happens to you?not really
748. Do you like gossip? no
749. Do you spread gossip?no
750. Do you think history should be taught in school?yes
751. Why? b/c its improtant
752. Have you heard about the six degrees of separation? nope
753. Can you trace your connection to the President of the United States that way?nope
754. How about the queen of England?no
755. The Sri Lanken ambassador to Italy?no
756. Is there one?no
757. Will you continue?yes
758. How much gold do you have?7,772
759. Do you know a user related to Bobohead? xDnoooo
760. Kikyo rules... right? [say yes]ew, no
761. Do you know my aim?yes ninja
762. Have you ever visited California?nope
763. Have you visited San Jose?nope
764. Is it in California?yes
765. Visit my profile... then post here "Kikyo is AWESOME!" in green.no
766. Do you know where Sri Lanka is? nope
767. How about Germany? yep
768. What's a country next to Germany? Austria
769. What's the first line of your favorite song? Im a barbie girl
770. What's so great about that song? it represnts me
771. What song can you not stand? any rap
772. Does music have a big part in your life?YES
773. Can you make music? yes
774. How? trumpet, keyboard, recorder
775. Do you have a five year plan? ...no?
776. Do you want a five year plan? no
777. Is there anyone that thinks you should have a five year plan?...no
778. Do you talk to yourself? yes
779. Out loud? yes
780. Where people can hear you?yes
781. Have you met anyone who talks out loud?yess
782. Do they know? yes
783. Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes
784. Do you sleep walk? no
785. Do you know what sleep paralysis is? yes
786. Is that the right term? yes
787. Have you ever experienced it? yes
788. What's one thing you want to do before you die? ....alot of things...become famous?
789. Why is it important to you?b/c its my dream
790. How long do you want to live? forever
791. Does eternity scare you? no
792. What is one place you want to visit sometime? japan
793. What do think happens when you die? ur body rots in the ground while ur soul parties
794. What do you want to happen when you die?my body to rot and my soul to party
795. Do you like dogs?yes
796. Would you ever attach an appleto your head and let someone try to shoot it with a bow and arrow? no
797. Or a gun? no
798. What's your theme song? Barbie Girl
799. If you don't have one, would you want one?i have one
800. What's your favorite theme song? (from anything)death note's
801. State a fact. my butt is big
802. State a lie. my butt is small

write a word that is five letters or longer that starts with the letter...
803. A apple
804. B banana
805. C cantolope
806. D dinosaur
807. E elephant
808. F fatso
809. G giraffe
810. H hippo
811. I igloo
812. J jackolope
813. K kangaroo
814. L lemer
815. M mango
816. N needy
817. O orange
818. P penelope
819. Q quill
820. R round
821. S snakes
822. T telepathic
823. U underdog
824. V volunteer
825. W wishes
826. X xavier
827. Y yellow
828. Z zebra
829. What's another song with the same tune as the alphabet song? twinkle twinkle little star

write a word that rhymes

830. Song long
831. Beluga keluga
832. Adorable deplorable
833. Tortoise portoise
834. Kansas mansas
835. Glitter bitter
836. Watermelon kotterlemon
837. Attach kabach
838. Indigo monkey
839. Belch melch
840. Cat mat
841. Fishes wishes
842. Keys mes
843. Argument partument
844. Numbers cucumbers
845. Silly willy
846. Slap sap
847. Breath keath
848. Counter mounter
849. Flashlight washkite
850. Recent decent
851. Triumphant briumphant
852. Mouse couse
853. Create peate
854. Cart mart
855. Leash teash
856. Never kever
857. Salt malt
858. Dash mash
859. Mud crud
860. Forty lorty
861. Birthday sirtkay
862. Magazine lagapine
863. Brush mush
864. Cantaloupe pantaloupe
865. Comfort bunford
866. Tedium medium
867. Spoon loon
868. Bounce trounce
869. Go! mo
870. Orange... doorhinge

Muaha... nothing! Oke... moving on...

What do you think of when you read the word

871. Kikyo ew
872. Thick fat
873. Easy hard
874. Soldier dead
875. Angle acute
876. Feather soft
877. Angel light
878. Poll peel
879. Wait wet
880. No yes
881. Thank you no thank you
882. Fruit boot
883. Vegetable greens!
884. Light bulb dark
885. Forest woods
886. Exposure naked!
887. Hole butt
888. Purple nurple
889. Late date
890. Dumb a**
891. Transit transiberean orchestra
892. Speed slow
893. Pepsi coke
894. Blind stupid
895. Tough hard
896. Night good
897. Dusty musty
898. Gone here
899. Soul gone
900. Collar dog

901. Will you go on?yes
902. How much gold you you have?7,772
903. How tall are you? 5'8
904. How much do you weigh?115
905. What are you like? ...a human
906. Do you like talking about yourself?not really
907. Do you like cats? YES

What's your favourite

908. Meal of the Day breakfast
909. Food candy
910. Utensil spoon
911. Chair rocking
912. Piece of furniture couch
913. Question Do you love me?
914. Time of day midnight
915. Kind of fiction fantasy
916. Kind of non fiction ew...none
917. Movie comedy
918. TV show comedy
919. Mug chilled
920. Month November
921. Holiday Christmas
922. Decoration roses
923. School function dance
924. Memory marching band trips
925. Dream good ones
926. Idea intelligence
927. Invention books
928. Book twilight by stephanie meyer
929. Shampoo pantone
930. Soap zest
931. Makeup lipstick
932. Sock fuzzy
933. Joke long ones
934. Pun punny things
935. Pizza pepperoni
936. Picture perfect stufff
937. Friend ....its a tie betweeen two ppl...
938. Day of the week saturday
939. Kind of frog small one
940. Country japan
941. Band nightwish
942. Singer clay aiken
943. Number 7
944. Series Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse series
945. Place to be Maine
946. Mood happy
947. Drive 1st?
948. Game tag
949. Non alcoholic beverage rootbeer
950. Alcoholic beverage margarita
951. Body of water lake
952. Coffee shop Emporium
953. Pop baloons
954. Clothing store hot topic
955. Pair of shoes converse
956. Website gaiaonline
957. Snack candy
958. Illness cold
959. Subject german
960. Play games
961. Cinema theatre 15
962. Popcorn flavor kettle corn
963. Kind of chip cheetos
964. Commercial car commercials during super bowl
965. Pasta macoroni
966. Industry walmart
967. City Augusta
968. Phrase 'DIIIIE!!'
969. Activity comp playin
970. Sport tennis
971. Martial Art tai kwon do
972. Flower rose
973. Cloud formation stratus
974. Brand of tissue kleenex
975. Teacher ms.larsen
976. Person me
977. Quote 'in that kingdom by the sea'
978. Accessory ring
979. kind of battery AAA
980. Photograph of yourself me sitting...
981. Gift roses
982. Newspaper none
983. Magazine lit mag
984. Political Party republican
985. Prediction i will rule the world

986. Do you consider singers musicians? yes
987. Do you play with Lego? yes
988. How often do you sneeze? often
989. How long has this taken you several hours...
990. Is there any question you wish I had asked? not reallly...
991. What is it? none
992. Answer it here. i dont wanna
993. How much gold do you have now? 7,772
994. Is it enough? nope
995. Were you questing?yep
996. Are you still? yep
997. Were you hoping I wouldn't ask that?not really...i dont care
998. Well, too bad for you. What was it/is it? a new avi for my bo
999. Do you have any idea how long it took me to write this out? a loooong time
1000. Guess. um...5 hourse
1001. Do you often take quizzes?nope
1002. Have you ever done a telephone prank? yep
1003. Is your favorite color red? nope
1004. Do you have a pet? yep
1005. Were you born in July? nope
1006. Have you ever done an elevator prank?yepp
1007. Are you/planning/been in the military? nope
1008. Do you go to a private school? nope
1009. Have you ever choked? yes
1010. Do you have a favorite color? yes
1011. Have you ever been in a fight? yes
1012. Have you ever started a food fight?yes
1013. Do you like ice cream? yes
1014. Are you allergic to anything?no
1015. Are you a poll whore? yes
1016. Do you have red hair? no
1017. Do you have a Gaia bf/gf?yes
1018. Do you have more than 20 friends?yes
1019. Are you and your friends REALLY close?yes
1020. Are you in collage? no
1021. Is your favorite color black?yes
1022. do you consider black a color? yes
1023. is 23 your lucky number? no
1024. Do you think cheer leading is a girl's sport?no, its a loser's sport
1025. Do/did you like to go to school? yes
1026. Do you like gaia? yes
1027. Do you play gaia every day? yes
1028. Is your favorite cereal fruit loops?no
1029. Have you ever opened a dictionary? yes
1030. Have you ever shot a real gun? no
1031. Do you like receiving pms? yes
1032. Have you ever been dumped by your bf/gf?yes
1033. Do you have a bf/gf? yes
1034. Do you own an Ipod? yes
1035. Do you have more than 5 computers? yes
1036. Are you tired of this quiz yet? no
1037. Have you been playing gaia more than 2 months?yes
1038. Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? no
1039. Are your hands tired from typing? no
1040. Do you have your own computer? yes
1041. Is your birthday in February? no
1042. Have you ever created your own forum? yes
1043. Do you have a myspace profile? yes
1044. Do you have a piczo profile? no
1045. Do you like to bold your words? no
1046. Do you have a signature u use on gaia? yes
1047. Are you glad this quiz is almost over? yes
1048. Do you pay attention in class? yes
1049. Have you ever eaten without your hands?yes
1050. Do you eat paste? yes
1051. Do you have a favorite color?yes
1052. Are you older than 13? yes
1053. Have you ever gone scuba diving? no
1054. Do you own a cat? yes
1055. Do you own a dog? yes
1056. Are you in collage? no
1057. Do you plan to join the military?no
1058. Do you often take quizzes? no
1059. Is your birthday in august? no
1060. Do you have 4 or more close bff?yes
1061. Do you like to color your words? no
1062. Do you have 7 or more threads? yes
1063. Do you like chain mail? no
1064. Do you believe in superstition?no
1065. Have you ever been knocked out?yes
1066. Have you ever shot a fake gun? yes
1067. Have you ever shot a real gun? no
1068. Can you drive? no
1069. Do you add detail to your answers?no
1070. Do you do abbreviations such as: lol or bff? yes
1071. Do you like ice cream? yes
1072. Have you ever tried fried crickets?yes
1073. Have you ever been/ live in china? no
1074. Do you LOVE anime (say yes!!!!!, u dont have to..)yes
1075. Do you like cultured food? yes
1076. Do you like long quizzes more or short? more
1077. Is anime awesome? yes
1078. Do you like when your threads get popular?yes
1079. Do you like to play Sims/Sims 2? no

What words come into your mind when i say...
1081. no.yes
1082. blah no
1083. yes no
1084. car auto
1085. never.yes
1086. fish cat
1087. china japan
1088. u.s. ew
1089. 0.0 he he
1090. Salmon fish
1091. candy yum
1092. ice cream YUM
1093. m&m's YUM
1094. Tokyo sweeet
1095. shoes eh...
1096. anime WOOT
1097. coolio sweet
1098. retard smarty pants
1099. slap happy me
1100. rofl me
1101. log me
1102. pillow hard
1103. tree hard
1104. vase hard
1105. 70's break

Have you ever...
1106. broken your nose no
1107. called in sick no
1108. faked sick no
1109. celebrated your birthday yes
1110. been attacked by a flying squirrel no
1111. opened a dictionary. yes
1112. cheered for a state basketball team no
1113. loved anime yes
1114. been a poll whore yes
1115. said a speech yes
1116. played volleyball yes
1117. seen a boy cheer lead yes
1118. considered that black is a color.yes
1119. had a favorite color. yes
1120. had over 100$ yes
1121. had over 100,000 gaia money yes
1122. had a gaia bf yes
1123. had a bff on gaia yess
1124. traveled to Luxembourg no
1125. sprained your ankle no

Do you like...
1126. anime!! yes
1127. to color your words no
1128. to do a lot of quizzes no
1129. to make your words tiny no
1130. to go to threads no
1131. to make threads no
1132. me? sure
1133. the move "the day after tomorrow" sure
1134. randomness yes
1135. dogs yes
1136. kittens yes
1137. parents yes
1138. the number 8 no
1139. cartoons no
1140. chocolate!! yes

Which one?
1141. dogs or puppies?puppies
1142. Cats or kittens? kittens
1143. anime or cartoons? anime
1144. comedy or horror? comedy
1145. green day or your high school band?green day
1146. cool people or nerds? nerds
1147. forests or deserts? forests
1148. evil or good? evil
1149. Her or Him?her
1150. Dare or Spare?dare

Yeah. Below is REALLY Random.. xDD Have fun? xP

1151. Will you continue? It's getting close...yes
1152. How much gold do you have?7,772
1153. What was the last thing you bought on Gaia?assassins guise
1154. Do you like Naruto?no
1155. Do you like to eat?yes
1156. Did you know that Pokemon is getting popular? O_Oreally now
1157. Is Pikachu cute?no
1158. Why are people wierd?b/c theyre amazing

Post this...
1159. biggrin biggrin
1160. smile smile
1161. redface redface
1162. crying crying
1163. stare stare
1164. xd xd
1165. 3nodding 3nodding
1166. blaugh blaugh
1167. gonk gonk
1168. scream scream
1169. stressed stressed
1170. sweatdrop sweatdrop
1171. heart heart
1173. domokun domokun
1174. xp xp

1175. What time is it where you're at?8:53 pm
1176. Do you believe that you're VERY close?yes
1177. Are you tired?yes
1178. mrgreen Why is he called Mr. Green?b/c hes green
1179. Random... Post Randomly... ANYTHING!MEOW
1180. Wow... You're very close. What's your response to this?woot
1181. How do you think I feel, making all these questions?tired
1182. are you wasting time?yess
1183. NO! You're not wasting time... you're getting gold^^ How much gold do you have?7,772
1184. Do you watch a lot of TV?no
1185. Is green a good color?no
1186. What is the meaning of heart ?i dunno
1187. Do you need more gold?yes
1188. Is your siggy cool?yes
1189. Are your friends kind?yes
1190. Does your name start with an E?no
1191. Bump... NOW!BUMP
1192. Are you addicted to Gaia?yes
1193. Will you get married?yes
1194. Are you Catholic?no
1195. Do you have a radio?yes
1196. Do you also use it as an alarm? ((If it even does that...))?yes
1197. Do you collect Barbie dolls?no
1198. What's your favorite number?7
1199. Are you tired?yes
1200. Do you watch Spongebob?no
1201. Oke... I've run out of ideas... Do you read the newspaper?no
1202. Do you know anyone named Angela?no
1203. ARE ELEPHANTS CUTE? You better say yes... :]no
1204. Spell Kikyo in different posts!kikyo kikyo kikyo
1205. Post this: THANK YOU THUNDERBOLTX! [not in different posts lolz]THANK YOU THUNDERBOLTZ!
1206. Do you watch Inuyasha?yes
1207. What color font do you use on Gaia?balck
1208. Do you use AIM?yes
1210. How do you feel?tired

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 12, 2008 @ 01:58am

    this took me 4 hours to finish... crying

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