Name: Kalasuki Shertia Race: Cyborg Bio: Kalasuki was an orphaned girl with no where to go. She thus lived her life on the streets of tokyo as an urchin. She spent most her time thieving from random shops and commoners to get by. At the age of 10 she managed to get herself involved with the yakuza and after three years of the life of a criminal decided to take what riches she had encumbered and start life anew. The Yakuza didn't agree. She was raped, beaten, nearly killed, and nearly all her possessions were taken from her. She was then discovered by a lab technician for Kilysaki Technology who instead of taking her to a hospital brought her to his lab. The damage that had been done by the yakuza members left her in a state of paralysis and her mind was blank. The lab technician worked quickly restoring her vital signs and then for the next few months built her robotic limbs and a mental compacitor to control them with her brain waves. For the next three years she lived with him, Ichigo Yakamura, learning and adapting to her new limbs. She came to know him as her father and her first and only family. He installed parts to her constantly to give her the abilities to defend herself including a beam saber that was attached into her arm that could retract and a sonic emitter capable of shattering someones ear drum if close enough. He also upgraded her mental compacitor to magnify her brain waves in hopes of returning her memory. Her memory did come back. Everything she had been through, being an urchin, the yakuza, what she'd been through for her entire life came back to her and her mental compacitor went insane. She suddenly found herself moving things just by thinking it. Ichigo continued to work with her, helping her learn to control her newfound power, but before he could finish her training the yakuza struck again. They were stealing money from the underground sage in a Kilysaki Tech branch office building. Ichigo and a few other lab technicians attempted to stop them with high tech weaponry, but in the end no one succeeded. A bomb one of the yakuza had went off killing everyone in the building. Kalasuki, with a new rage built up has but only one purpose, and the things that her robotic limbs were programmed to do are rewriting themselves. She will kill the yakuza. Appearance:  Weapons: Beam sword, Sonic admitter, Telekanetic powers Age:16
Name: Kapernacus Race: Vampire/ Angel of death Bio: Kapernacus had a normal child hood up to the age of 8 in a small town in England. At the age of 8 she found her mothers body laying face up in the bed with the chest ripped out and half her head blown away. She ran to her father and told him what she had found and he had took her into the sitting room. She later on went into the kitchen after her father only to see him shoot himself in the head after telling her to tell her sister that he loved them both very much. After seeing her father kill himself she attempted to kill herself before her sister ran in. Her sister took her from the house and read a note to her that was left explaining to the girls that they were not human and what was done was so they could realize the powers that they had in them. The incident had left Kapernacus mentally unstable but all was well for another 8 years until she witnessed a young woman getting murdered. She brutally murdered the men then was bashed in the back of the head and taken to a closed facility where they decided that the best thing to do would be to experiment on her after they realized that she was not human. The next fifteen years of her life she was a guinea pig for the facility until she heard her sisters voice during a procedure and killed off all of the staff. Her sister and Kapernacus fled the country and went to NYC of America. They lived normal lifes until one day Kapernacus killed two young men in Central Park for killing a kitten that she had been caring for. The officer found her standing over the bodies covered with blood and crimson eyes. Upon knocking her out he took her to the nearest mental institution where the test began again. Eighty years later she killed the entire staff and patients after a brutal test. Upon stepping outside her sister handed her clothes and they fled from NY and went back to England. Kapernacus' hatred for humans was stronger than ever, but she became crafty. She will not hesitate to kill a person, vampire or human. Appearance:  Weapons: Fingernails, scythe Age: Unknown
Name: Arisu Age:6 Height:3'6" Weight:45 Race:Neko Weapon:Wakizashi Bio:Arisu was found by Yoshi when she was 2 years of age. She was found laying in a box huddled up trying to keep warm with scratches on her face. He took her in and became papa to her, because it was the closest thing to a father that she could remember. She wanted to be just like him and would mimick his moves. She was constantly by his side and known as his shadow to those who knew them. Appearance:
WHIT3D3VIL · Sun Feb 03, 2008 @ 05:24am · 0 Comments |