The shortest long day ever. |
Or was it the longest short day? Who knows.
I went to bed at 2 AM last night becuase I watched a movie on the computer, all cuddled up in my comfy chair which I dragged over to the computer. It was nice. I loved the movie, Howl's Moving Castle. It's one of the prettiest that Hayao Miazaki (sp?) ever made. But my favorite of his is either Laputa: Castle in the Sky (it always makes me cry at the end when the castle falls apart and the sad music plays) or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds. They're both very unique and really original. I just love all of the movies he's made. ANYWAYS my mom shakes me awake: "Morgan? Uncle John and Aunt Alicia are on thier way here to take us to breafast. Could you put on a bra and wake up in two minutes?" And then she left me. I just groaned, "No way" about 10 times and rolled out of bed. It wasn't exactly the best wake-up ever. But I did eat chocolate-chip pancakes for breakfast! <3 (I could only manage to eat half of them. It was too much food.)
So I got nothing acomplished today.... Oh my laundry! -Hurries to put it in the dryer.- Okay that's something. I also played a little of that video game (which is A LOT more than usual) picked up the house a little, and I drew my homework~. A helical virus structure. We have yet to name it, or tell what it will do to the dinosaur we infect it with, but that's okay. The drawing is done~!<3
Also, some very kind "An anonymous benefactor" gifted me a Prism Butterfly Mantilla. I am so happy! If they had given thier name, I would haved PMed them my thanks. About 10 times. Thankyou, whoever you are. Really, I will love them forever! Now I'm going to make a new "dream avatar" that will make them look even more glorious. I'm thinking lots of light grey. And those light grey leg-warmers. (I love the legwarmers. I've had each color at least once, but I always end up giving them away to other people who want them when I'm not using them at the moment.)
Anyhoo, I've been watching Fruits Basket. (For the 4th or 5th time) I love the series. Tooru is my role model, almost. I wish that I could be as kind as she is, you know? And she can cook, too. I wish I could cook. ;w; I was born in the year or the Rooster, as you might know. My element is water. :3 My sister is a rat, and her element is fire. I suppose you can see why we don't get along so well.
Well I'm tired. It's almost time for bed. I have school tomorrow, even though my friend does not. I'm a little jealous, but I can't skip school. Maybe I've said it already, but if I miss less than three days of school this semester and I pass my TAKS English and Math, I can choose to by exempt from the final English and Math Exams. This would make life reallyreallyreally easy, so I'm going to go for it. (Passing the TAKS will be the easy part.) But I probably already told you that.
Nyaaa, I don't think I have anything left to tell you. That's all that's been going on. Goodnight, sleep tight journal.
bittersweet93 · Mon Jan 28, 2008 @ 03:15am · 0 Comments |