Title speaks for itself. biggrin I absolutely, positively LOVE you guys for doing this! Thank you so much! heart
This entry is for art made for these avatar. I think Masterpieces are just amazing... especially Van Gogh's scarf. <3

Art is in order from first received to the newest one I've gotten. 3nodding
Total Art Count For This Avvie: 5

Maker: Mister Pantless
Received: 1.22.08
Comments: Aw, cute "bean person". &3 I love the simplicity and carefree-ness of it.

Maker: Aesera
Received: 1.25.08
Comments: She's incredibly gorgeous. &3 Beautiful job... I love it.

Maker: Dunazul
Received: 1.26.08
Comments: Heehee, fishy Pocky. xP Cute!

Maker: Sydneeey
Received: 2.4.08
Comments: Dang, Syd... you are crazy. It's positively amazing. And you put Eevee in there, how can you go wrong with that? -luffles-

Maker: Prince Zuo
Received: 3.4.08
Comments: Awesome headshot! The texture is really nice on the picture.