Ok, so you know how art sometimes goes in phases? Well this is one of my favorite phase, where things actually look good! I was being rather random in school again, what is knew about that statement?, and wanted to draw Allein again. (she is my Elf character from the story that I'm trying to write) Well, what more is there to say other than this is what happened! I think my favorite parts of this one are the dress and her pose. I don't know why, but I really like how this one turned out. I think I took it from how her character is in the end of the story: alone, angry, and dangerous (not very Elf-like, now is she?). So ya...I had quite a deal of fun making this one and hope to colour it over the break. Feel free to throw colour ideas at me. I hope you have a great Christmas break!
LIL Chip*~
[Chip] · Thu Dec 20, 2007 @ 08:38pm · 0 Comments |