Episode 6 ~ Lakota's Past & Royal Dress Up |
Maco: Welcome! Im going to start where I left off... so here we go!! Lakota: Can I come out now? Maco: Yes, now tell me, why did you lie, and say you came from a petting zoo? I found you under a truck as a pup. Lakota: Thats to much of a sob story! No one would belive it if I told um!! ((P.S. I found my first dog, Astro, under a truck as a puppy)) Maco: I do, and shes a time witch! She know so much! Lakota: You dont know what happened to me before you found me, do you? Maco: I figured you wouldn't rember, so I didn't ask. Lakota: I do rember. And I think you should know. I was born in a log cabin- Maco: You! Be serious!! Lakota: Allright, allright! I was born with two other sisters. One's name was Palla-chan. She was a beautiful, perky sister with a slim muzzle and bushy ears. Her pelt was white, streaked with cream. And My other sister, Larka-chan, she too looked the same. We where triplets. I though, looked like my father. A thick build with gray, and red streaks. My mother loved us all very, very much. My father was killed in a dominance battle. My mother, looking like my sisters, couldn't bare the sight of me, and tormented me. I was the Omega. Finialy, I got sick of it, and I ran. I rember it though, although I thought I didn't hear it at first, as I ran, my mother was crying, and saying, 'Yes, get away from me. I dont want to see myself harm you.' She was twisted at her heart. I ran for days, to the city, where I finialy collapsed from exaustion under a car. When I awoke again, you where driving, a worried look on your face. It was winter, and the heat was blasting and I was curled in a towl. I knew I was safe, and fell asleep again. You took me in, and I pretended my past was only a dream. Someday through, I would have to face the music. As I grew, you would let me roam farther and farther away, knowing I could defend myself, and also that I would return. I was sitting outside, and I rabbit came hopping along. I wanted it! So I chased it and chased it, until I didn't know where I was... some forest... There where wolves. Most gray's, but there where two cream streaked females. Palla-chan and Larka-chan where full grown, proud and dominant. They didn't reconize me, I was an outcast. They threatend me, and I had lost my voice. Seeing them, I knew there was my mothers blood. 'Palla-chan, Larka-chan.' I muttered. They stared in horror, and where licking me from nose to tail. They told me about how they came to another pack of males, and where now in good care. Mostly though, I rember, as the thick snow fell on there white faces, how they told me about my mother. She wanted me to go. She knew she was torturing me. She was glad, and sad at once. Finialy, I told them about you, and your love and care for me, and they where glad. The sun started to set, and I bid them goodbye, giving them my blessing, which they returned, and I fallowed my trail home. As I walked I noticed something move, and I turned to face it. Another white wolf, aged but beautiful, was staring at me with shock. She watched me for a fiew moments, then called out my fathers name, 'Hutser-san?' I stood tall, and waited, as her eyes grew even larger as she cholked, 'L-Lakota-kun?' I tossed up my head, and let out a howl, mixed with many emotions. Then gave her a last glance, and moved again. I, for a second time, was leaving my mother. She called to me, appologizing. I continued. She finialy did something I will never forget. Charging infront of me, she stood still, forcing me to stop. And she dropped her front have, haunces raised, and growled, "My son." Then turned and galloped into the woods, barly a paw print was left she ran so fast. I came to you, and told you about the bunny, and you stroked my, and gave me some hot coco, and we curled up together by the fire, and I knew you gave me the home my mother couldn't provide. Maco: -In a massive amount of tears- L-L-L-L-Laktoa-kuuuuuuuuuun!!! -glomps- Lakota: It was christmas eve when that happened. I rember it from long long ago. Maco: Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You never told me!! Waaaaaa!! TT^TT Lakota: This was the right time though, I belive. Maco: I love you!! Lakota: I love you too. Maco: A-Allright everyone -hic- I have another special planned -hic- Can you share it L-L-L-L Lakota: Yes, Maco-chan, tonight, where putting on a little preformance (Like we dont everytime) Maco: That right -gets hold of self- and where gunna do something with a king and a queen! Mya ha ha! Lakota: Thats right!! Now, Maco-chans gunna get ready.. and here she is!!! Maco: How do I look Lakota-kun?
 Lakota: -in a british accent- Stunning Milaidy! Now excuse me while I slip into something fabulious!! -Runs and changes- Well? Maco: Your just wearing a crown... Lakota: A royal one!! Maco: Its from burgerqueen.
 Lakota: Well whatever!! Lets go!! Maco: Allright!! -REMOVES TIARA to bow to King Lakota, and drops it, making it shatter- Lakota: That time witch said it would happen!! -gasps- Maco: And I also her something sad with a good outcome!! ZOMG! Lakota: The shows cursed!! -Runs around and smashed into camra-
Maco-chan · Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 11:56pm · 0 Comments |