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Welcome to the inside of my Head!
Story time:The Alien Girl...Part 1
[WARNING: If you are not bothered by absolute wierdness,People eating branches,Mutant waffles and other things that will appear in completly random times!-Don't read]

The Alien Girl

My name is, Alex I will now tell you a story of my past...a strange past no most people get to have,I just wanna kill myself for being on of them... crying

One day I was relaxing on my backyard enjoying the world has to offer.Until I saw something,something strange it was a green light in the sky!The ominous glow was deep in the forest.I got up and ran off to investigate.As I ventured closer I suddenly got dark,and cold...But I kept going on.I was deep in the forest now surrounded but dark shadows and tall treesand then I heard something,*chomp* *chomp* I walked further ahead and looked up,i then realised the light was gone and i was stuck in the middle of the forest alone,but not completly alone,there right in front of me stood a shadowy figure chomping away on something long,could it be a bone?Scared a I yelled "Who are you?!" It looked up.I then realised it was a girl chewing on a branch 3nodding
I felt stupidly embarassed sweatdrop "Blargen eek-en splat." She said and then smiled. eek

Who Is This Girl? Why does she speak like an idiot? Find out on Part 2~!!!!!! [And Thus Obviously To Be Continued

xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Sat Oct 20, 2007 @ 09:10pm

lol omfg ur sofa king awesum post part 2 i gotz 2 reed dramallama

Community Member

Sat Oct 20, 2007 @ 09:26pm

okay i'll try to finish it 3nodding

Community Member

Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 03:36am

sarah!!!! dont you remember in school when we talked about RAMBLING sentences?!? cuz you have some in that story... but you know i still love the story!!!

Community Member

Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 05:52am

But i like rambling sentances they soo fun that's what makes them 'random' stories 4laugh redface 4laugh redface 4laugh

Community Member

Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 12:07am

o well thats ok then. by the way, i like pie because its so cool and its fun to eat and it comes in different flavors and one time i wanted some pie but my mom wouldnt give me any by the way is your mom really a rabbit or did you just make that up o ya me and mat made it up because you act like your half bunny o and im sorry about that and i hope i didnt hurt your feelings because your my best bud compadrae belloinacrotas he he i made that last one up dont you like it what was i talking about?

User Comments: [5]