Alright then, here's my first post!
Now, this Is Kumori, a Tyv Erindring from the planet Umbra. She was wiped of her memories 5 years ago when she was enrolled as an Umbran Soldier. The trained her to use her incredible powers of the Erindring to become a spy for the Master of her hive.
Muahahahaaaa! *clears throat* Well...I think you can tell that I had a ton of fun with this one! My dad helped me with her history as well as powers so that she is and forever will be the bestest alien ever! Lol. Ya...She's for an RP called Star Something on my friend Tamara's forum. So, ya!
LIL Chip*~
[Chip] · Mon Sep 03, 2007 @ 12:26am · 0 Comments |