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Art For Fantasies (Pt. V)

Title speaks for itself. biggrin I absolutely, positively LOVE you guys for doing this! Thank you so much! heart

This entry is for all those fantastical avvies... a dragon, a mermaid, you name it!

Total: 4

First, art made for this avatar. This is was when I was in my "under the sea", mermaid mood (and the Aquatica item had just come out!):

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Art is in order from first received to the newest one I've gotten. 3nodding
Total Art Count For This Avvie: 2

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Maker: Elegant Syn
Received: 5.12.07
Comments: An animation of my mermaid avvie! So adorable... biggrin

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Maker: DustyBunni
Received: 5.12.07
Comments: Absolute "ZOMGTHATISSOOOOCUTE" moment. mrgreen I love it!!


Next, art made for this avatar. She's essentially a girl who keeps to herself and has a pet dragon that she read out of a book... similar to the basic plot of the "Inkheart" series. =P It's a tad hard to explain: here's a story to explain what I was talking about!

Steph looked down at the book and squinted, wrinkling her nose as she struggled to read the blurred words on the faded page. "What could this possibly say..." she muttered to herself. She gently smoothed the wrinkled page and began to read slowly and carefully, as if to feel each syllable of every word.
"...and as onlookers watched anxiously, the jet-black egg shuddered, as if cold. A crisp wind brushed past the people's faces, rushing through them and chilling them to their toes. The egg shook again, and a glowing red light instantly eminated from it. A hush fell over the crowd as they took a few steps closer. Suddenly, the egg began to rise slowly in the air-- people at the front of the crowd jumped back, stubbing many a toe. The egg rotated slowly in the air just above eye-level, its glowing light shining brighter and brighter with each turn.
A thin line appeared on the egg's smooth surface.
Crack. Crack, crack.
A gasp rumbled throughout the crowd like wildfire. Scraping noises could be heard from inside the egg. The light grew brighter, almost blinding. Every pair of eyes in the crowd squinted at the light, but instantly widened when what looked like a claw burst out of the egg..."

And that dragon is hereby named Shadow. Long story short, Steph reads Shadow out of the book and is suddenly "rewarded" with a new best friend. Both loners, they soon are able to see past each other's tough shells and eventually establish a long-lasting bond.

Whee for story time! xP Wrote that off the top of my head... well, anyway, here's the avvie depicting it:

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Art is in order from first received to the newest one I've gotten. 3nodding
Total Art Count For This Avvie: 2

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Maker: Kittra Lunari
Received: 8.20.07
Comments: Positively adorable! Shadow looks so relaxed... cute as a button! (Have no idea where that cliche came from...)

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Maker: Sheshoumara
Received: 8.21.07
Comments: Aw... she's so cute! I love the detail on this.