Ok, if i suddenly stop posting...then its because im grounded. Why? i missed an online exam yesterday, and my parents dont know about it. So im debating about telling them. what should i do? bear in mind my mum flipped out over the good towel being wet. if she wigged over that, how bad she gonna be if i tell her i missed an exam?
welp, i think im the only one in my family thats sane.
Now dont me wrong, i love my family (bar two little assh*oles) but i seriously think the mad Magreevee thing has passed into this generation of teens. My uncle, the youngest is about 20-21 now, turns out he's been self harming and thinking of committing suicide.
Now dont judge him people, he lost his dad at the age of 14 or 15, my granda to be exact, and he really really misses him. But what the hell does he think is gonna happen if he kills himself? he'll be sent straight to hell or so the 'good' bible states. to be honest he doesnt tell ME these things, he tells my younger sister (of about one year) and his girlfriend is always calling her to help cuz she needs advice. But technically its not fair on her that she's always being dragged into it and she allways winds up asking me for help or advice which i give without question. But the main problem is my sister hasnt a clue what to do.
Worse, my sis being a diabetic had been cutting herself too, which i caught two days ago and warned her if she did it again i'd kill her (hypthetically) and her boyfriend had called me to warn me what she was doing. The problem is my sis cant handle her emotions well. Now forgive me people if you yourselves are cutters but your all a bunch of idiots. Instead of hurting yourself go out and hurt someone else or get a punching bag, my uncle had one (the one im talking about) and did him wonders, but he doesnt have it anymore and so the problem arises worse than ever. Let me tell you, carving your girlfriends name in your upper arm and 'dad' into your hand isnt sane. Nor is banging your head against the wall and punching walls as well, my sister suspects he's dislocated his knuckles but he refused to go the hospital.
Now let me explain something; i love them both, we grew up together, my uncle is like a brother to me, which is why i'd try and give my sis good advice. But the thing is people dont always listen to the advice given. Yes i know its easy for me to be the one on the outside looking in and telling them what they SHOULD or SHOULDNT do but what the hell?!? how else are they supposed to get help? my sis has gotten herself away from cutting but im staying alert to that kind of crap lest it rear its ugly head once more. But mark my words, self harming does nothing for you, how would you feel years from now with scars that never heal and have your children and grandchildren ask how you got them? Would you be able to bear telling them?
And i can tell you here and now i myself have considered many's a time to harm myself. But then i remember what its like to get a cut on my finger while doing dishes and it annoyed the hell out of me therego stopped me from self harming. Odd right? instead of wanting to hurt myself and when i got VERY pissed off at someone and for good cause but i shall not name names i hid a knife under my bed and thought of killing them. SERIOUSLY. so yes i have experienced both suicidal and homicidal urges. Im human. You yourself probably experienced the same urges so dont think me mad. Believe it or not im an extremely mellow person and it takes alot to get me mildly annoyed and even more to get me furious. Although take a crack shot at my family and i'll turn into psycho b***h mode in point zero seconds flat. Let me tell you no one messes with my family. I can be extrememly vengeful if you get my family involved. Which is why this self harming thing is getting a bit ridiculous in my eyes.
Im not trying to be high and mighty, but if you people can come up with a better way of putting it, then i'd be glad to know of it. Sometimes those 'high and mighty b*stards' know what they're talking about, so think before you snap back. stare
Eclipsa Queen of Mewnie ❑ Single ❑ Taken ✔ Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist gaia_nitemareleftgaia_kittenstargaia_nitemareright