Melissa bent down and looked at the sand. A shoe print that was smaller than hers, but it looked like the size of Matts. Melissa now knew he was here, she knew it. There wasn't any other possibalitys. She fallowed the shoe prints until it lead into the forest beyond. She looked up into the forest. She didn'thave a choice, so she started walking into it. She walked around for a couple hours, unsure of where she was. A couple times she thought she heard something, but it always turned out to be a bird or something. It seemed liek she was the only human on the island, only her a other animals. It seemed like a normal island that no one has found to touched. But for some reason Melissa felt like someone was watching her. Not just an animal, another human. But of course, there are no such things as faries or ghosts of some sort.
After a couple more hours, about dawn, she heard a loud snap behind her. She turns around, a girl about her age was standing a couple yards away. Her cloths were dirty and old. But her face was buetiful. No wrinkles, no freckles, no zits, nothing. Clear, tanned skin. The girl was stunned and didn't move. "W-who are you?" Melissa asked. "I am Kendra." the girl said. Melissa noticed something weird about the girl. She wasn't touching the ground. She was just floating. "Now if you wouldn't mind, some of us are tring to sleep" the girl finished and turned around. "Others? I haven't seen anyone else here" Melissa said. "Thats because you have to look more closely." Kendra said, then disappeared. Melissa looked around. Now she could see like flickering lights all aroudn her. Shadows of hmans walking around. What was this? Magic? A boy walked up to her. Before he could say anything she turned around and ran. This place isn't normal. Am I dreaming? She then tripped over a tree root and fell on the ground, head first. She did an odd summer-sult and ended on her face. She sat up and put her hand on her nose, it stared bleeding. "Damn it" she cursed and began digging in he rback back to find something to stop the bleeding. The boy appeared next to her "You ok?" he asked. "No just leave me alone." she said and takes out her note book and some tissues. She help the tissues on her nose adn wrote down in the note book 'Watch out for roots. Ghost my appear and scare you to death.' The boy looked over her shoulder. She quickly closes her notebook and shoved it in her backpack. She stood up and started walking, ignoring the boy behind her.
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So it must exist somewhere
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