Title speaks for itself. biggrin I absolutely, positively LOVE you guys for doing this! Thank you so much! heart
This entry is for art made for this avatar. It's really for any avvie that involves my "Dress of the Swans"... or what some would say to be a souped-up ballerina. Heehee:

Art is in order from first received to the newest one I've gotten. 3nodding
Total Art Count For This Avvie: 10

Maker: _B-T-B-A_
Received: 5.12.07
Comments: What would my avvie look like as a guinea pig? It's cute!

Maker: Elegant Syn
Received: 5.14.07
Comments: An awesome "speaking bubble" from Elegant Syn! You may just see me using this around the forums. heart

Maker: -Cooking-Hearts-
Received: 5.15.07
Comments: A cute headshot of my avvie! ^^

Maker: King Of Aquatica
Received: 5.19.07
Comments: Aw, a stick-figure-version of my avvie. ^^ Cute!

Maker: King Of Aquatica
Received: 5.19.07
Comments: More stick-figure-adorable-ness. ^^ I'm drooling over King... or could I be picturing Apolo Anton Ono? heart lol, cute nonetheless!

Maker: Arayis
Received: 5.20.07
Comments: Adorable chibi! ^^ SO cute.

Maker: King Of Aquatica
Received: 5.20.07
Comments: A sweet banner by King! heart

Maker: Celina-xx
Received: 5.25.07
Comments: A cute pic of me running after that thing I love... ice cream! ^^

Maker: Doodlesmithie
Received: uh... can't remember. ^^;;
Comments: Aw.... she's really adorable! She looks so happy in this pic.

Maker: Dire Adelle
Received: 7.11.07
Comments: All must now bow down to me... because I am the Ice Cream Queen! ^^ Really cute idea... innovative way of using those ice cream cones!