I hate cordless phones. I hate the phone lines to my house. I hate it all.
I don't care for cordless phones, they die to fast for my taste. I mean sure, you could walk around the house and multitask with a cordless phone, but it gives you less time to talk to whomever you want to talk to.
Okay, counter me with the argument of 'Who the hell talks on the phone long enough for the phone to die out on them?'. I do. I talk on the phone for a long time, depending if the person wants to still talk to me after an hour or so. There are people like me, who loves nothing more than to talk to the people they care about and love for long periods of time. Don't you think its awesome that a device, such as the phone, is available for use? It lets you talk to people far away, or if your just plain lazy to go and walk over to a house to have a chat.
I say invest in that out dated, corded phone 'only used for emergancy' type of goodness. For it alows us 'chatterboxes' to keep on chattering for long periods of time. It never dies, and its always there!
I love corded phones, sure its somewhat of an inconviniance if you like to do two things at once (or more), but thats why you should have both corded AND cordless in your house. Swap between the two when you have too, and the outcome is unlimited happy happy talk talk time!! Which I totally love. **I get lonely..alot..**
One other thing i'm going to go into. I have a hate beyond hate for the cordless phones in my home. First of all, the cordless phone I have in this house is the only phone that has a ringer that works. It is also the only working phone in the house **R.I.P Corded phone..**. So when this phone dies, the whole phone line goes crazy, and doesn't let anyone call in or out. The only time someone could call in, and for us to call out, is when we unplug the cordless phone from the wall, and this was when our corded phone was alive. So now, if the one phone dies, we are practically screwed. More reason for Curtis, to get me a damn cell phone.