Im so tired today.I went to the beach with my friend yesturday.Whenever she comes over its always about her boyfriend.Oh Missdeathcoil(not going to use my real name lol)let's invite Cody over. I mean he's funny and nice and so is she,and she's my best friend its just that.I think she uses me to see her boyfriend sometimes. emo Ok thats enough of that. Today my mom's friend is coming over. She's really cool(I think) She seem's really fun and talk-a-tive or however you spell that lol. I need to take a shower to. I feel gross. By the time she left it was like 6:00 and I was in a rp so I couldnt leave and take a shower(unlike my friend spite lol)But then I went to bed at 12:00.
Ok now Im gonna go look for an rp....cause I can.
Missdeathcoil! heart
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