Ugh. The most horrible thing I have ever done in my life! O:< I just came back from camp, it was really fun but there was a big downer...At my camp, we have cabin clean up along with a fun theme everyday. Later, the people in charge of camp, (senior staff) will go around and rate each cabin on how well we cleaned up after ourselves. The places are 1st through 8th. When you win first place, you get to embarrass a cabin of your choice and they have to do whatever it is you want them to do. Well, the boy cabin gave us a mystery mouthwash...ew. Lucky us, they made us do the "dare" on taco night. It tasted like a taco, but looked like a strawberry milkshake. Dx The real contents were: - Milk - Ground beef - Bananas - Cheese - Tomato - A gronola bar - Ranch dressing - Pamento sauce and - Yogurt
The rules are you are not allowed to spit it out unless you swish the uh...."mouthwash" in your mouth and gargle...The only time you are allowed to spit it out early is if you are going to throw up. EW! Unfortunately, my counselor Marais had a weak stomach and well uh...lets just say it wasn't pretty. I wasn't too far behind her. I felt like I needed to barf....badly. T^T
RiotAtTheAsylum · Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 07:41am · 4 Comments |